Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Millersville University of Pennsylvania?


The most frustrating thing about Millersville is probably the financial aid offered and how much of a difference there is between what they offer some people but not others.


not having enough money!


Many required classes are very difficult to get into. I had to go an extra semester because I could not get the classes I needed.


For me, the most frustrating thing about my school is the insufficient draining around campus. When it rains or snows, puddles are everywhere!


Many of the activities available to participate in require some form of money. Out of state tuition is OUTRAGEOUS! Out of state tuition is more than double the amount of in state tuition! There are so many general education requirements that I think waste my time and money; however, the university's excuse is they want to make us WELL rounded students.


Some of the facilites are way outdated... it's like the cycle that they upgrade things is off from the norm.


Parking is somewhat limited


Millersville can sometimes be frustrating in the fact that they are trying to get students off campus sooner than mabye other universities would because of an inornament amount of students wanting to go here and there not being enough space to put all of the incoming students on cmpus; although there is plenty of close, off-campus housing that houses about one-third or half of the student population.


There are not many things to do on weekends if you aren't associated with a specific club or activity. Also, rollover meals would be best for the style of meal plan that we have.


It is frustrating how they allocate funds not by basis of which organization needs the most money but by the number of students in the organization. Also the lack of usable equipment and staff that is willing to teach the valuable skills needed.