Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


It's best to pick your major during your freshmen year, otherwise you'll use up all of your general education credits and have no wiggle room for scheduling after your sophmore year.


I wish I would have known the off-campus options they had available to underclassmen.


The food is not all that great and the transportation is as accomadating as it should be.


I knew a good bit of information coming into this school. There isn't much else that I would have wished to know.


How to study or rather which method works better for me. In high school I never had to study; however, when I got to college, studying was all I did to keep up and sometimes that didn't work. It was a completely different transition from high school although they do say that those who do great in high school don't in college and visa versa.


There is no business district in the town itself which makes it hard for students to purchase items that they want or need.


I wish I knew there weren't many off campus jobs available


I wish I had known that most of the professors barely speak english.


I wish i would have known how horrible the school spirit is at this school, and also how much the administration hates Greek Life on this campus.


I wish I would've known the living conditions on and off campus. I wish i would've known the availability and how that I wasn't going to receive much financial aid.