Milligan College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Milligan College?


The campus is extremely small, which makes drama arise very often. It is very cliquey, but it is great.


Small library and laboratory, otherwise, very statisfied.


I live ten hours away from home, so the most frustrating part for me is the long drive. Most students, however, get annoyed by how small our campus is. There are plenty of things to do, but you have to be willing to leave your dorm room and actually get involved on campus. If you don't get plugged into this campus at some point, chances are good that you won't enjoy it at all.


That it is in the mountians so i have to walk up and down a lot of stairs to go back and forth between classes and my doorm.


People are not very open minded and complain alot instead of trying to make things better. People are very complacent.


The amount of money that they give to anyone who is not white or caucasion. They seem to favor people who are not white.