Minneapolis Community and Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Minneapolis Community and Technical College know before they start?


The advice that I would give myself if I could go back in time is to give myself the very wise but simple words, "be humble in all that you do." In high school, espcially in my senior year, I felt that I already knew everything and if anyone was going to teach someone, it would be from me to the professors! Because of this, when I went to college the first time around, I failed miserably. I failed 2 of my 4 classes that semester and wasted all of my time and money thinking that I was undefeatable. My ego was so high in the air it was in the stratosphere, and as the old saying goes, "Pride goeth before a fall." If I were more humble in my work and would have allowed my professors to teach me, rather then arrogantly shun their lessons, I would be much further today then I am now. Not only does humbleness help on the work aspect of school, but also in your relations with other students. Nobody likes a show-off, let alone a know-it-all!


I would tell myself to raise my GPA and apply for more scholarships, because i didn't take paying for college to seriously i thought it was all about loans, but i would rather benefit myself from future debt after graduation and be able to enjoy my career without having to pay off loans for the rest of my life. Also I would've gotten into more extra cirricular activities outside of school, and more involved into community service to makle myself more noticable to college representatives, and people that have connections. also i would have taken it upon myself to layout a long-term plan as far as goals for college goes esepcially for finances. I would also say to myself that this is a big life changing step and courses just get harder down the road as you reach to succeed your life long dreams.


Trust your gut and don't worry so much. Life will work out eventually. Work hard, you're going to be paying for school now. It's a hard road but most definatly worth the journey.


Do what you want to do with your life don't let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams and have a good time.