Minnesota School of Business-Rochester Top Questions

What should every freshman at Minnesota School of Business-Rochester know before they start?


The first thing that I would tell myself is that it is not as horrible or tough as I had thought it would be. Yes you have to stay attentive and disciplined to finish your work in time and to put your all into it, but the rewards of the decent grades and getting through it while younger can not be beat. I have worked almost 35 years and not really having much to show for a life’s work. It would have been much easier to just do the work and stay at it for the short 4 years back when I was getting started than to go through life working the jobs I have and still not having much to show for it all. I would give almost anything to have the opportunity to go back and do it over again, and get my education and career going much sooner in life. One way or another you will have to work to survive and prepare for your retirement, why not take advantage of the time when your younger and not pressured from family matters and get yourself headed in the right direction from the beginning.


It is OK to not know what you want to be when you grow up. Nobody knows for sure where they want to be in 20 years. The wonderful thing about College is the discovery of yourself, what you like and don't like and where you excel. College is a wonderful experience, I work hard and play hard, if I could stay in college forever... I would.