That the business program is accredited world wide, so no matter where i go in life i will always be able to find a job. The business world always reconizes MSUM.
Minnesota State University has offered me many oppotunites to grow as an individual.
Because it is such a small classroom/small city/small school, you get to know everyone in your class as like a family. You make close connections and even become on a closer (yet professional) relationship with your professors as well. This is especially true if you are taking classes with the same professor and/or classmates more than one semester because you become really close to those you go to class with.
All my professors are great, and the cost is very low to attend. The dorms and meal plans are well priced and well worth it! Also, there are fun events on friday nights and once a month there'a a huge event called "Dragons After Dark" that has costume contests, games, dances, and lots of fun activities where you can win prizes.
I usually brag about the dorm life. Many people play instruments and it's very peaceful to hear someone playing the piano or the guitar down the hallway if you enjoy soft music.
I'm part of the Music Industry program which is a unique major, that not every college has to offer. The percussion ensemble is able to perform music from different areas of the world, not just the traditional western music-- this fall we've been working on music for Gamelan, which is originated in Indonesia, and Steel Drums. The professors are all knowledgable in their fields of study and try to get to know you as an individual not just as a number.
I tell them how much fun I have there. I still have friends that are still in high school and even convinced one to go to MSUM. I tell them about the fun activities there are to do here and how they can be apart of it. I think I have gotten all of them to fill out an application there. I also brag about the great communication between student and professors.
I tell my friend that my school is cheaper but it has a good size population. Another thing I say is that it is not a huge campus and it is a nice easy walk all the way across campus and it does not talk no more then 10 minutes. Also I tell them that the people here are very nice and outgoing and very willing to help others.
I generally like to talk about how small the campus is and how small my class sizes are. Because it's so small, the relationship that a student can have with their professor is phenominal.
I brag about how many activities there are to participate in. I aslo brag about how liberal the school is, and how open it is to everyone.