Above all else, be honest with yourself throughout the entire process. Be honest, not only in deciding on what major you choose, but what school you go to. See what colleges work best for you personally, regardless of cost, prestige, or location. Certainly keep in mind what is said about what your college has to offer in your particular field(s) of interest, but when it boils down to it, choose which one feels most right for you. I've seen far too many people be forced into expensive, private schools who really wanted the down-to-earth, friendly environment my college provides. I've also seen many people choose majors unfit for them, simply because they thought that's what others expect of them. No lifestyle, no job, no major is fit for everyone, so there's no reason to assume that a college must be defined through its prestige alone. Do everything you can beforehand to get to know each college intimately, and watch how responsive each college is to providing you with ways to do that, whether through tours, interviews with departments, etc. Through this process, you can learn what's best for *you.*
When selecting a college it is best to tour several universities, look at class options, and visit with professors in your major. College is what you make of it; make an effort to make friends, get to know your professors personally, and develop good study habits. Make wure to read your course syllabus for each class and put due dates of papers and tests into your planner so that you are not surprised. Study each day so that you are never caught by surprise with quizzes or tests that you are unprepared for. Join some student activity groups. It is a wonderful way to meet people and helps keep students involved in worth while projects. Also, joining a student group of your desired profession is an excellent way to learn more about careers of interest.
Finding the right college can be a hard process. When you are doing college visits, one will stand out to you. Go with that one. If you really want to make friends, I would recommend going to a smaller school where the class sizes are smaller and you have more personal conversations.
When you are in college, join clubs and groups that seem interesting to you. Put yourself out there and try to make friends. When you walk into the cafeteria, instead of sitting by yourself, sit at a table with a group of people you don't know. Also, while you are in class, chat with they people that are sitting next to you. If you are struggling in a class, ask people to make a study group with you. If you are having trouble in a class...I guarantee others are too!! Don't be shy...ask your teachers tons of questions. The library is your friend, go there often. It is quiet and they also have internet so you can facebook in between study breaks! Have fun in college and try new things! College is the best 4 years of your life!!
Make sure you like the campus and feel like you could fit in and everything else with come with it. All students come worried about making friends, but once you start a conversation with one person or at least say hi to someone then it gets easier to make friends and after a little while you will have lots of great people to share the college experience with.
Figure it out early, and make as many trips to schools as possible; get a wide view of the college life.
Tour as many places as you think you may want to go and while there, talk to students who currently do go there. Getting a feel for the campus and how students see it will help you get an idea of what is the right fit for you. Just looking at a brouchure does not do the campus justice. Personally, I almost went to a school based on what I thought it was like, until I went on a tour and found out the truth.
Also, dont just go wherever your friends are going. If you want to meet new people, it is way easier when you branch out.
Find a college that offers all the programs that you have any interest in. Most people don't know exactly what they want to do so selecting a college with a number of possibilities that interest you is a must.
I would tell others to go with what they feel is best for them. Don't go to a school just because all your friends are going there. Base your decision on which school will be the best for your major. As for making the most of your college experience, get involved with student activities. Most schools offer such things as sororities or fraternities, sports, intramurals, clubs, etc. Don't take your college years for granted.
Do not include me in the scholarship contest.