Minnesota State University Moorhead Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That living on campus is not as fun as people make it sound, living of campus would have saved be 8000 dollars my first year of college.


To be honest I wish I had known what it really took to get into some of the classes so I could have studied for my ACTs a little better.


Before coming to this school, I would have like to have known exactly what my dorm room was like. A better description would have been useful. Before moving in, I was very worried that I had packed too much stuff. Therefore, I left a portion of the clothes and things I was originally planning on taking at home. Needless to say, I have a lot of spare room and not enough clothes to last me a complete month before having to do laundry.


Before I first attended Minnesota State University Moorhead, I wish I had known how many painstaking hours I'd spend studying, reading, and doing projects. That way I could better manage my time and actually have a social life. I hate turning down hangout invitations with my friends because I have homework to do.....everyday.




I only wished I'd had thicker long underwear. The winter months are deadly.


There are no sinks in the dorm rooms. There are no tunnels or covered walkways between builings so when its freezing cold out you have to go outside to go to a different building for class. The international studies program is very small and pretty much has one teacher that teaches all the required classes. Hardly anyone really uses the public transport system in the area. it is inconvienient and a hassle to use, and takes a loooooong time to get to popular places, and it doesnt run on Sundays.


That a lot of the teacher's tend to teach with an attitude of "this is just another job."


I knew most everything about this school when I enrolled. Nothing really surprised me when I came to campus.


Hygiene jobs are impossible to find in town. Husband refuses to move away from his family. Have to find patients. This isn't something we'd do in a real practice. Teachers are stuck up and pretentious. Most of the female falculty and staff are a bunch of bitches. No school wide policy exists for funeral leave, sick leave, birth leave, or grading. Not all on same page for the basic stuff. But they've a school wide policy on drugs, alcohol, theft, and cheating! Go figure. All need to get off high horse and pull heads out of ass.