Missouri Western State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Missouri Western State University? Why?


I dont have any complaints.


the food here needs to be improved


It is a lot more divided, ethnicity wise, compared to my highschool.


I Think the worst thing about this college is that its in a small town and not to many places to shop or go .


I think the layout of the buildings in respect to eachother is a bit random. They seem to just be randomly built.


A few teachers are un-organized and advisors don't always catch mistakes in student transcripts.


Some kids going to this school still act like they are little kids. They are getting goverment help and blowing it away just because they don't feel like they should have to work so hard for the grades the teachers don't give them. They need to look at some of the other students and be happy that they don't have to hope they can afford the next semester.


Good Financial Scholarships - because I pay very little for my education