Missouri Western State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Missouri Western State University?


Not knowing how to access all the information that I need off of the internet.


Money. MWSU doesn't offer enough chances to earn money. In fact now they are taking it away, any overage on scholarships will be taken back by the college! I cannot keep taking out so many loans to cover the costs of living, books and ect. I need whatever I can get to live off of and to help pay for classes. A full-ride at this college is a joke! They will always find some "hidden cost "to take your money. MWSU is money-hungry.


Lack of help and caring from the administrative staff.


That I'm from Lawrence, KS (GO KU!) and it's in Missouri (ha)!


The lack of a campus-wide recycling program. There is one in some buildings, but it would be especially helpful for there to be one in the dorms, and the Honors Program, while trying to set one up, is doing a crappy job so far.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the people. I have almost nothing in commen with any of them.


The most frustrating thing at my college is the lack of interaction in different races. Generally, each race interact with that same race however, there is more interaction going on but there needs to be more.


The amount of activities that are available