Mitchell College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Mitchell College? Why?


Some of their priorties are off. I made a statement once about harassment and they lost it within a few hours of recieving it.


I do not consider any thing worse about Mitchell for the exception that the people that use the bathrooms could be more civilized.


The worst thing about this school would be the tolerence issues. We have alot of people who do not believe in same sex relationships and get very uncomfortable when ever there is a gay person around.


The worst thing about Mitchell College is the amount of time it takes for staff to answer your questions. Because there are only about 1000 students at the school, staff is at a minimum. Because of this, things like finding out which credits they will transfer takes forever. Then, as a part-time student and someone who works a regular full-time job, when it's time to sign up for classes, I feel very pushed aside by the guidance staff once they realize I'm only looking to sign up for up to 2 classes per semester.


Too small


so far there is nothing negative about the campus and the only thing is that its a small campus but its growing successfully


I hate the amount of drama that exists because everyone is so close together, every detail of everyones' lives is displayed for the population to see.