Montgomery County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Montgomery County Community College know before they start?


i would tell myself that college is not like high school, that if you fail that is all on you and you'll be wasting money not passing the class. i would say that going away to college is better than going to a community college and if you end in that place then work as hard as you can to get out. i woudl say that going to college is a privilege not a right so act accordingly.


Be prepared to sacrifice time with your friends to keep your grades up.


I would tell myself to stay focused on your education. Social life can wait four years. Get involved in as many school activities as possible. Network with people who are more educated than you. Major in something that you love, not something practical. If you are in a career that makes you happy, everything else will fall into place. If you are happy at work, you will feel successful in life. Take chances. Challenge yourself.


If I could go back in time and talk to my self as a high school senior, I would tell my self to focus on my school work and not so much on if boys liked me or not. As a college student now, I would explain to my self that college is basically all about the tests so I need to get my study skills in order now and stop just trying to float by. I would explain to myself that the transition differs on the person and what school he/she goes to. I would tell myself that going to a community college is sort of like a 13th grade but still more difficult. In high school the teachers still help you through school and hold your hand, but in college, if you dont hand in a paper or and assignment you are probably going to fail that course. I would tell my self that college is a once in a life time experience and to not just float by like I tried to do in high school.


My college experince has given me a lot of answers to my unanswered questions. Now having the wisdom and outlook on what I need to do in order to prepare and progress through college, I would advise myself on several key points to make the college process flow easier. One key point I would advise to myself would be time management. In order to prepare and progress, time management would aid a lot because setting a schedule helps all goals get completed and takes ease on the stress level. Another key point I would advise myself would be prioritizing because when one's priorty is in tact, then completing the list of priorities can be done without hassle and aggression. My final key point would be determination because in order to get anything done correctly, you have to be determined. All these key points help prepare and progress through college, which is a goal as a senior in high school.


Don't worry. Everything is going to be OK.


I have often wished that I could go back in time and give my 17 year old self some advice. The first thing I would tell myself is that you are not ready for college at 18. You barely know who you are as a person and you need to explore the world around you more. I wasted two years at an expensive school majoring in psychology and getting bad grades. I had no interest in school and lacked discipline. The only reason I went was because I thought it was the right thing to do. I learned the hard way that you can not succeed at anything in life unless you have a passion for it. Had I waited five years, I think my results would have been better. After working in the real world for a while I was able to understand my strengths and interests much better. I also grew a lot as a person and learned how to be more responsible. Too much preesure is put on high school seniors to make big life decisions. How was I to know at 17 that I would develop a passion for economics?


Dear Me, please listen. What college you go to after graduation does not measure how intelligent you are. Stop caring so much about what others will think of your decisions. Do not rush yourself to decide what career path to follow ? your mind will change as you experience life out of high school. You will learn new things about yourself every day, and accordingly, you will find new interests. You will find that what you think you want now is an unsuitable career for the person you will become, Me. Don?t start your college life expecting to immediately know what you want, just look forward to learning about yourself. Things will naturally occur ? in your own time. Don?t rush, other than to class. Meet new people, try to experience different things. Stay away from the cheesesteak vendors and Chinese take-out because ?Freshman Fifteen? is not a myth. Lastly, relax and enjoy your journey because I know that no matter what your decisions will be, you are going to be happy and successful.


I would tell myself " even though you think you are prepared to handle the stress, responsibilities, and parties, your not" I would recommend relaxing, not to worry about friends, because they will come naturally. I would definitely stress the point to put in more effort then I thought was neccessary, because even though its the first year of college, there is not a better time to get a couple A's. Junior and senior year are mostly major classes and to push many A's out is no where as easy as your first year. So take advantage of it. For career choice, I would recommend myself not to stress, just do. Take advantage of resources and explore as many careers that interest me.