Morton College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Morton College know before they start?


The advice that I would give myself would be to not take Dance as a major at Columbia even though your dance teacher from the park recommended it and take more basic general education courses. Taking those dance courses was fun and a great learning experience for me but I should have concentrated more on the general education. Also instead of going to Columbia where I know have a government student loan that I owe from there go to a community college first to get your Associates Degree. It is a lot more cheaper and is way more closer because you would have gone to Morton which I am going to right now. Don't take your life for granted and don't expect everything to be handed to you because its not and if you want to make this experience a little easier then ask questions, go and look for help, and take classes that will matter to your future.


If i could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior i would give myself advice on three things. The first thing and most important thing would be to continue going to school and take no breaks. The more you take breaks the longer you take to finish school altogether. The second thing i would give myself advice on would be to not to try and make friends with people who dont have the same goals as you do and thats getting your education. Those people will only hold you back from acheiveing your set goals. The last thing i would give myself advice on would be to not give up. Things might get rough throughout the your time in school you may need extra help with something etc. The most important thing to remember at that point would be to not give up and work harder to make the grades you need and to understand the work put before you. The end result would be nothing the best things in life a good education leading to a good career.


I would have told myself to wait until I knew for sure what I wanted to be for the rest of my life. I would have also told myself that it is worth the wait because I would feel like I accomplished something worthwhile all on my own. I would also tell myself not to be afraid to go to college because everyone around me is here for the same reason, to learn.


Well if iI hade the chance to go back and talk to myself i would give myself the following advice. I would tell myself that I need to continue paying attention to the teachers. I would say that if I have any problems just ask for help cause the question I may have others may have as well. I would aslo say to start looking for colleges and scholarships right way. Many great oppertunites are out there and the longer I take those chances would be gone. I would get to the counsler as soon as I could to see what are my possible schools and financial help. I would also ask what was my comulative gpa cause I would be able to include it on my college applications. I would try to see what are the requirments for the financial need I would have to complete. I would try to schedule visits to the colleges that i seem intrested in. I would try to complete all these things as soon as I possible could.


I would tell myself that college is a difficult but necessary step in my life, not to mention that i would warn myself not to take and easier faster way out, I say this mainly because one of my goals was to become a registered nurse and when i got out of high school i decided to go in to a short term college for a medical assistant degree. I have now come to realize that if i would have stayed longer in school by know i would have accomplished my dream. Currently with a job, family and responsabilities that i did not have as a high school graduate. School has become more difficult for me but i know that i will not make tha same mistake and regret it 4 years later. I believe that giving one advise about the hardships of life and how important a high education is necessary now a day is very important, unfortunately I miself did not have someone close to me with the knowledge of how my college education would affect me and had to take a leap of faith to figure it out.


As a high school senior I would encourage myself to weigh ALL of my options. When I was in high school I rushed myself on making a decision based on what a lot of my other friends were doing. I was afraid to pursue an artistic career because in my life I was always looked upon as "gifted" and "intelligent." I was afraid that if I chose a career of Photography that people would assume that I was just settling and not challenging myself educationally; however, that isn't the case at all. Going back in time I would definitely reiterate the idea that I need to be happy in my career choice. I would assure myself that finding the right major takes time and that it is absolutely essential to be happy in everything I do. I would also reiterate the fact that I only have myself to please and if I want to have a happy life, that I need to do something that I enjoy. Ultimately I am the only person that I have to prove anything to.