Mount Ida College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Mount Ida College? Why?


The worst thing I consider about my school is the lack of activities. There isn't alot to do here and I usually go home on the weekends because theres nothing to do. My friends also go home because of the lack of activities, so I get depressed if i stay here on the weekends alone.


I would say the worst thing about my school is some of the room conditions but like alot of other campus's, we are changing and making the campus a whole lot better.


The one thing that I dislike about Mount Ida College is the amount of scholarships and financial aid they give out to students. It is a very expensive school to attend in a very expensive area to live in. I am attending here out of state and the money to be here is making it very difficult. I would love to stay here but I am afriad that I may have to leave due to fincial issues.


Being Division 3 in sports


The classes. It's too small.


Considering I am Fashion Design Major I don't always feel as though the professors are pushing our creativity and forcing us to challenge our seleves.