Mount Mary University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I would consider the small classes sizes the best thing about my school. The professor than can continue one on one attention with the students, and we can express our concerns that we have regarding something in class. They then know if we are in class or absent and contact us if they think its more serious that we are no in class.


the small class sizes because help is available when you need it.

I really love mount mary. I feel so safe and there and really enjoy all my classmates, as well as the teachers who are always so supportive. The only thing i do not like is how much it costs. I love the overall school unity that i feel every day, i get up in the mornings and spenf my whole days there until 9ish because i just love it so much and being in the mac lab helps me stay focused with the support of my classmates!


My teachers. My teachers want all of us to succeed in life. They do everything in their power to help us in school and life.


I really like the atmosphere, all the students get along no mater what their background, and there are never any problems on campus. I think that is very important because that allows us, the student,s to stay focused on our goals.


Small classes are a huge plus. It's a much easier learning enviornment and you actually get to know you techers as well as other students. I feel it is also easier to get help when it is needed and makes shy students more comfortable and sometime branch out of their shyness.