Mountain View College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mountain View College know before they start?


The advice that I would give myself if I could go back in time as a high school senior, is that anything is possible only if I work hard at it. Don't look at what's around me look foward and accomplish first my own goals. Be drama free and leave all those things behind, only focuse in school and achieve the great opportunities that there is during and after high school.


If I could go back to my senior year in high school, the advice I would of gave myself would of been, taking as many dual credit classes for college. This way rank in high school would of gone up, I would had college credits, I would of spent less time in a community college and I would of saved some money. Another thing would of been, talking to the college advisors so they would of gave me an idea of what classes to start with and not to waste my time taking other classes I dont need at all. I also wish I would of joined more high school after school programs and volunteered more often.


Apply early!! If you know you will not have the funds, even if you do look out for scholarships there is a lot of money out there. Do not be scared it is not bad, and I know you will be a first genderation college student, but dont let that scare you, you can do it! DO NOT SLACK OFF IN HIGH SCHOOL!!! :)


Taylor, you know that you like to socialize and have a good time. Schedule your classes late so that if you do go out at night and come home late you're not haveing to worry about rushing to class or missing the next morning. Ask for help. Don't sit in the back of the classroom and staying quiet if you're confused about something that's being taught. You're in school to learn so don't be afraid to ask questions. Finally don't allow friends and relationships cloud your judgement or distract you from getting your work done. Work now play later.