Murray State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Murray State University.


My classmates, for the most part, have been extremely friendly and helpful. I have made friends I would have never thought I would make, and they have helped me to succeed in my classes as well as outside the classroom.


At Murray State University, the students are very well rounded; the majority of them are very kind and open, and accept the differences of the other students attending the university.


Classmates are both friendly and helpful, while being a bit stand-offish and connected with their select cliques at the same time. They are hard to read and it is difficult to make friends in new classes until pushing for a while through the semester.


With so much potential, my classmates at Murray State University are generous, social, accepting and caring of all people.


Ready to learn all that they can.


All classmates are very friendly and willng to help.


My classmates are the most caring, and considerate people I have ever met and a lot of them will be lifelong friends.


In my classes a lot of my classmates are very driven. They are striving for experiences that will help them in their future endeavors and they are looking for anything that will help them learn the information presented in class. They are very passionate and willing to help people who are going through classes that they have completed.


Classmates are over all conservative but open minded.


Classes haven't starte yet, so i haven't had the pleasure of meeting classmates.