One of the biggest things on campus is Greek life. We have a very active Greek life on campus. As well as many different religious groups that are pretty popular. We have a weekly movie night of foreign films which is widely favored. We also have a very active LGBTQ group on campus, that I am a part of as an ally.
One of the biggest things on campus is Greek life. We have a very active Greek life on campus. As well as many different religious groups that are pretty popular. We have a weekly movie night of foreign films which is widely favored.
their class are not too wide
The most popular student groups would have to be the fraternities and sororities. They tend to be very popular in our school. The dating scene at our school is very diverse. People party at our school often. Just because since we are such a small town, there isn't anything else to do besides party and hangout with friends. So most students whether they are in a fraternity or not are friends.
The greek life is very popular on campus but with that being said, Campus Outreach is also very popular. Campus outreach is like a religous organization who meet weekly and hold events. There is also student government groups, Pre-Health Professionals Club, and so on. There are many groups and organizations to participate in. Attending athletic events is very popular at Murray (especially basketball games)! Guest speakers and concerts are held at our CFSB center very frequently, so there is always something to look forward to. There are people who party every weekend. Alot of students have apartments and have parties there. Or there are always the fraternity houses who will have people over on the weekends. If you aren't into the party scene there are always the movies or the skating rink. There are also usually sporting events held on the weekends as well.
The greek life is very popular on campus but with that being said, Campus Outreach is also very popular. Campus outreach is like a religous organization who meet weekly and hold events. There is also student government groups, Pre-Health Professionals Club, and so on. There are many groups and organizations to participate in. Attending athletic events is very popular at Murray (especially basketball games)! Guest speakers and concerts are held at our CFSB center very frequently, so there is always something to look forward to. There are people who party every weekend. Alot of students have apartments and have parties there. Or there are always the fraternity houses who will have people over on the weekends. If you aren't into the party scene there are always the movies or the skating rink. There are also usually sporting events held on the weekends as well.
The greek life is very popular on campus but with that being said, Campus Outreach is also very popular. Campus outreach is like a religous organization who meet weekly and hold events. There is also student government groups, Pre-Health Professionals Club, and so on. There are many groups and organizations to participate in. Attending athletic events is very popular at Murray (especially basketball games)! Guest speakers and concerts are held at our CFSB center very frequently, so there is always something to look forward to. There are people who party every weekend. Alot of students have apartments and have parties there. Or there are always the fraternity houses who will have people over on the weekends. If you aren't into the party scene there are always the movies or the skating rink. There are also usually sporting events held on the weekends as well.
Obviously Greek life is very popular. Each sorority has a different reputation, but they all fit different groups of people and different personalities. BCM and Chris Ambassadors are popular among the religious students and there are other clubs that fit peoples' majors and minors that are beneficial as well.
Our Men's Basketball team is top-notch! But, there are over 15 organized sporting events students can choose from to attend. We have great guest-speakers, and bands that come through as well. Frats, sororities, clubs, and honor organizations (like The Nation Society of Collegiate Scholars) are very active on campus and off. Plus, the area has plenty of great places to eat and even a dance-club, called the Night Owl. Since it's 18 and up, no booze, but it has a great sound system, lighting, and even a hookah-bar.
There is something for just about everyone. Greek life is a big part of the university including black fraternities and soroities as well as campus government.
Being GREEK at MSU is huge. There are not a ton of chapters, but they are very prominent on campus. Most people in powerful positions here are greek. Basketball is big here. The program has been gettin better for a while now, this year we beat Vandy in the tourney and made a name for ourselves outside of the OVC. Football isn't a big deal, but the new coach is trying hard to increase student and community interest.
Social scene sucks here. Everything closes at midnight except for McDonalds. The greek parties are VERY hard to get into, you have to RSVP on facebook and get on a list.