Murray State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Murray State University? Why?


The entry level English classes were less intense than my high school English classes.


There are very limited graduate degrees. Mostly masters but no PhD degrees. If you plan on furthering your education like me, you will most likely have to look elsewhere for that.


The worst thing about Murray State University is that they don't have a smokeing ban. It ruins my day when I have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to my classes. I understand that people smoke, I wish we had a smokeing zone.


The main way to gain any "normal" friends is by going greek, college should be social as well as edjucational. Also, it is in the middle of no where.


One thing about this school that I feel is the worst quality is whne someone is trying to decide what m ajor they are going to go into, they don't provide enough information about that major and the names are often misleading. An example would be Computer Information Systems which is business orientated and TSM which is technology orientated.


the food program needs to step up its game!


So far, at MSU, I've recieved very little help from the faculty concerning classes that I should take to help me graduate with my major and the academic advisors seem so caught up with other things that they don't have much time to set aside to help the undergraduates that need their assistance.


The worst thing about this school would be the parking/crosswalk problem we are facing currently. This school is growing due to its success. Once this minor issue is fixed a problem wouldn't come to mind.


The worst thing about my school is probably the bipolar weather. It can be absolutely beautiful one day and the next day it can be cold and raining.


The biggest disadvantage to going to a larger school is there are less opportunities. In a larger school you would be more exposed to different things in your field.


THe weather changes a lot because we are so close to the lake.


The cost of a meal in the dining hall. It costs 9.00 dollars for one meal. I only have so much on my meal plan, so I have to be careful about the number of times I eat at the dining hall.


The worst thing about Murray State University would be the public smoking. Smoking is restricted inside, and for only certain areas outside. Although there are designated smoking areas, however students and faculty smoke among the major walkways along campus. This I think is not fair to students and other people visiting the university, because it gives the university a bad image. With cigarette butts among the ground, and having smoke being blown into your face, is not a highlight of being a student at Murray State University.


some professors


Ticket enforement policies are pretty ridiculous. I got a ticket for parking in my numbered spot when I forgot my tag, but others who park in my spot, or my neighbor's spots, during a sports game have no penalties, even if everyone in the area we can park at has their spot taken. Now they are considering tripling the ticket costs.


That sometimes you have to know someone in certain offices in order to get anything done that is not academic related. It can be hard for new students or transfer students to feel like they belong if they do not join a sorority or fraternity.


There is only one dining hall. It is sometimes difficult to eat lunch during the days because there is not enough time to go to the dining hall and everyone gets tired of the same food.


Outdated buildings. Some of the building on campus where my classes are taught are really old and could use alot of renovations.


Most of campus clears out on the weekend becasue some many students commute and are able to go home and often choose to do so.


I would consider the worst thing about Murray State University to be the high costs of everything about this college. Everything from tutition costs, to residential college costs, to meal plans, to textbooks, and even something simple as ten cents a page to print something off in the library and computer labs. College kids are stereotyped as being poor already, and Murray State University doesn't help with this image.