Murray State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Murray State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


We get a lot of people assuming the students here are super southern, since we are based in a small town in Kentucky. And there are specific stereotypes that go along with being Southern. But you will hardly find a more open-minded, supportive, loving student body in the surrounding area than you will at Murray State. While yes, some people are Southern, we have such a diverse student body. People from all around the country, as well as other parts of the world, attend Murray State. You meet so many people with different views and personalities, and each is just a friendly and outgoing as the next.




Honestly, I have not noticed a specific stereotype here. There is such a variety of people that once you find people you like being around or have similar interests to you, its really easy to forget about the possibility of stereotypes.


I believe the stereotype at Murray State is that everyone is a Hick. There are many country people here but Murray State is a very diverse campus so the stereotype is not very accurate.


The common sterotype for our school are frat boys/sorority girls. Also that everyone in our school is a drinker. I don't think that this is very accurate. Although we do have a lot of guys in fraternities and girls in sororities, not everyone drinks.


Murray State University is a very well rounded University. I am part of the greek community so I think very highly of our Greek Society. Although Murray has all of the typical sterotype students, majority of students overlap in several of the areas. This is because Murray is a small campus and because of this you meet all kinds of people who enjoy different things. Murray State students are also very involved with supporting our sports teams. If you love going to sports games, you will love it here!


The stereotype of students that attend Murray State University are kids from the country. Murray is located in a very rural town and well known for our rodeo team, agricultural fraternity, and agricultural programs offered here. Although many of the students are from rural towns around Murray, there are many students from larger cities, including myself. I am from Nashville, and I know many other students from Louisville, St. Louis, and other larger cities. The scenery and people in Murray are a change from Nashville, but there are not just country activities to do here. The stereotype of our school being completely country is not true.


Some of the people I have talked to at Murray say that we are a suitcase school, which means that we go home on most weekends. Well, sometimes this is true, however, the more people you know the more activities you realize go on on the weekends and therefore you end up staying on the weekends. When you live on campus it seems that more students do pack up and go home, but once you live off campus you realize that it is okay to stay in Murray for the weekend.


Coming from a suburb of St. Louis, many people believe Murray State is for people who want to engage their careers with Agriculture and farming. I don't think many people even know the great education Murray State provides and the many times Murray State has been rated as a top school in the nation with the lowest tuition price. Yes, a lot of people that go to school here are from the south and yes, some do fit the stereotype, but most of the people that go here are from either the area or one of the states surrounding Kentucky. There are a lot of right wing conservatives and there is a distinct indication that you are in the bible belt. There is a club and personalities that fit everyone's needs. Honestly, I don't think that I would have been happier going anywhere else.


The student body is so diverse at Murray State University that there are no definitive stereotypes. We still do have a very active Greek, Band, Athletic, and International community as well. We pride ourself on being all-inclusive and making everybody feel like they belong.


Students here are sterotyped to be very friendly and open to cultural diversity. This holds to be true.