I wish I would have known about how many opportunities, activities and clubs there were to get involved with and that getting involved in such things was actually "cool". I thought that those things would be lame and that the people would likewise be lame but the environment and types of students her are all very genuine and a joy to be around! If I could do it all over again I would definitely put fortth an effort to get more involved in on campus activities and try to make friends outside of my sports team!
Before I began attending college I heard only of the challenges that would ensue, both socially and academically. I wish someone beforehand had told me it was okay to feel nervous and that there were many others who would feel the same way. Oftentimes the classes offered for college freshmen contain many around the same age, easing the transition into a new environment and the availability of friends. There are also many offices and workers dedicated solely to the advancement of students, willing to provide assistance.
I wish I had known what exactly I wanted to do with my future. Upon arriving to Murray State, I had no idea what I wanted to become and I was not even sure of the major I was going into.
Wheather I should live on or off campus.
I wish I had known that the weather usually gets bad during the winter.
I wish I scheduled myself for fewer classes my first and second semester. Studying and being successful in class in college is very different from high school. I wish I allowed myself extra time to get into the groove of learning at a more thorough and deeper pace.
Also, I wish I picked one or two student organizations and became active in those, instead of signing up for everything . Later in my college career I got to know some people through the BCM (Baptist Student Ministry) and that turned out to be a great experience.
too get more involved
That much of what you learn will be learned in the field. You will learn in college, but make sure you have a strong interest in it beforehand as well and you will learn a lot more.
That it was so hard to make friends in such a small place somewhere so new. I wish I had known that it would also be a bit difficult to be 3 hours from home and that many people around here were prone to mood swings or stand-offish personalities.
I wish I would have known about all the scholarships that are availible before transferring here instead of having to pay out of pocket which is a huge strain on me.
I wish I would have known years ago about how nice the campus is.
I wish I had known how much fun I was going to have while I was at Murray State University. I transfered from a community college and I might have changed my mind and come to Murray State right after high school if I had known this!
I wish I had more computer knowledge before hand, I have had to teach myself a little bit and it has taken up a little extra time.
I wish I would have known to get know my prefessors more on a personal level sooner, that I had started a study group for each of my classes or got involved in one that had previously existed. I also wish that I would of known that I should have learned how to live be the montra " I'm going to have to get confortable with being uncomfortable." Lastly I wish that I of known that romen noodles will be my best friend and one of my only sources of food, so I should get use to the taste.
I wish I had known how difficult it would be for credits to transfer properly so I did not have to re-take multiple classes. I transferred to Murray State University after graduating from high school a semester early and attending a local community college in Illinois. While I thought it would be smart to take courses closer to home it ended up costing me more money in the long run; I wish I had known Kentucky and Illinois are one of the few states to not have a transfer agreement.
I wish I had known more about scholarships, and how to apply for them. I also wish I had been told how much living on campus differs from living off. Lastly, the most important thing I wish I had been told was to ask questions. Because in college, if you dont ask you may never get an answer. Sounds simple but it is extremely important. A lot of students dont get help, or dont learn something because they are afraid to ask and its a shame because it's not a hard thing to do.
The parking for the school is a nightmare.
I wish I had known how terrible our football team is, how greek oriented the campus is, and how academic advising really worked
Before I attended MSU I wish I would have known that there was not a lot to do. I'm a fun a big town so I'm used to there being a lot of things to do or choose from and Murray is a small town so there's not too much to do.
I wish I would have known that they would treat you like a child.