Murray State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


People are the best thing about Murray State. Everybody, including the teachers, students, staff, and locals are all willing to help and listen. You will find a friend in almost anyone!


Same as above


Murray State puts an extreme emphisis on creating a community feeling and keeping students involved.


I would consider tradition as the best thing about Murray State. Like myself, many of the students attending Murray State, both traditional and non-traditional, have other "ties" to the university. Most people have had multiple family members attend Murray State, so everyone is treated like family. At homecoming in the fall, many alumni return to the campus. There are cookouts, banquets and parties. Before the football game, there is a space located inside the stadium where current students and alumni meet and enjoy old memories and take part in making new memories. We are family!


I love the people here in Murray. I feel as though everyone here is very welcoming. As a freshman I got involved in the Greek system. That is probably what I love most about Murray. The people who are involved around campus, especially my sorority. It is so fun and easy to get involved on campus. My advice for incoming students would be to get involved your first year. It really helps you meet people!


It is small enough to get to know many people and it is close to a few larger cities. It is only 2 hours away from Nashville and 2.5-3 hours away from St. Louis. Also, Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley are very close to Murray and many students go to the lakes often on the weekends and breaks.


Not only is Murray State University a very successful academic school, the comradery between the students here makes the college experience that much more fulfilling. College is a two-part world, and a solid balance between the academia and social realms will bring about a better form of success in each and every student.


Murray is a very friendly school in a small town. The campus is beautiful. I enjoy outdoor activities that are available in the area. Land Between the Lakes offers fishing and hunting as well as hiking. I have enjoyed all my classes and made many friends.


Murray State University is a medium-sized school with a little over 12,000 students; it feels like a diverse, yet close-knit community. Anytime you walk to class, you will always see someone you know. Murray offers diverse and fun activities to entice its students; international movie nights, world renowned speakers, concerts, plays, mixers, sporting events, multicultural functions, etc. It is a great environmet to live in without the pressures of alcohol and drugs. The community students build with themselves and with professors through MSU classes and events, is without doubt, the BEST thing about this school.


The best thing about Murray State University is the small classroom size. The teachers really get to connect with the students in the classroom.