Muskegon Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Muskegon Community College know before they start?


I would tell myself to relax and have fun, but be sure to get all of your work done before the due date.


Do not procrastinate! Take notes. Ask questions. Make friends! College is completely different than high school no matter what anyone says. Don't be afraid to branch out. In college you can start almost a whole new identity if you want to. Don't be embarassed or feel less than others if you choose a Community College over a University. You'll realize that despite you not wanting to go there, you are saving tens of thousands of dollars verses your friends at main Universities.


I would tell myself to save as much money as possible because college is no walk in the park (cost wise). I would also tell myself to stay on my grades, and don't procrastinate so much that I'm up until all hours. Not getting enough sleep is one huge thing that took a toll on my mental, emotional, and physical states. Another very important thing I would tell myself, is to stay off of social media. That was such a distraction for me, and I could have focused more and done better in my math classes if I would have placed as much thought as I could into everything.


I would tell myself to never be afraid. College is a big step, and can be scary and stressful. It is a time in your life when you most need your friends and family for the support. You go to school for 12 years in a school ditract choosen for you. This is one of the first big kid things you do. Do not let money hold you back, but do be smart. If you get 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your college paid for, go to that college! Go have and experience. Lastly, do not let the ACT define you. It is a standardized test, not everyone is supposed to do amazing on it. It tells you who is book smart and who can retain information they are given. Shoot for the moon, and if you miss at least you will be in with the stars!


I would tell myself to stay focused and get a college degree; you will need it. I would also tell myself, to manage my time wisely. Last, I would tell myself to continue working hard. Even though my high school tactics are not working, as far as studying habits, and preparing for test, try new methods and don't be afraid to ask for help.


i would tell myself to look up and fill out more scholarships so i could obtain more than enough funds to go to school. i think that starting out in a community college is best for any student so they can gain the experience of college life and organization. i would tell myself to get a job and a vehicle so as i am not depending on other people...i would tell myself to grow up and gain the ability to speak up... be able to make friends because those are the ones that are going to make sure that you have a memorable experience at school while attending. they will help you in your studies and listen to your obstacles in life maybe helping you out along the way. i would tell myself to maintain the great student skills i obtained in highschool and not to get bit by the procrastinating bug like i did.


I would give myself advice to take as many classes as you can possibly take in High School. Also Iwould have taken better notes in class. I would have told myself to push alittle harder so i know i can do better in college. I would also have wanted to get more help in math so i would not have to struggle in college with math. I would also have told myself to push myself to do better on anything the teacher assigned to you. I did good in high school but wish Icould have learned more while i was there.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would yell at "myself" for deciding not to dual enroll at the community college. Then, I would tell "myself" that next year he would have to pay $3000 for community college tuition without help from my parents. The high school would have paid for the classes I took! Another thing I would tell myself is to spend more time applying for scholarships. Every little bit of given money is helpful, and it all adds up in the end. Finally, I would tell "myself" to start going out of my way to meet new people. My group of high school friends very quickly changed, and I don't see them very often anymore. If I learn to meet new people, then I will have no problem making new friends in college.


The very first advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to make sure you're financially stable for college. Back in high school I never had a job, but I did recieve some scholarships. However, if I would have learned more about affording to go to school then rather than now, I could have been in my first-choice university now. Second, I would tell myself to work hard, but don't stress yourself because you're still young and have a great future ahead of you. In high school all I ever did was study and work hard, but I pushed myself too hard and never had the time to relax and be myself with others. The last advice I would give myself is don't be scared thinking about how life is on big universites. That is really the reason why I stayed home to go to an community college rather than go to and university. Now that I know exactly how the university's life is like, I plan to transfer to a university in Chicago. That way, I'll still be in touch with my family and friends here in Michigan.


if i were able to travel back into time, i would tell myself to maintain my sense of getting it done now. there is a bad habit that one may pick up when going to college and that is procrastinating. procrastination has been the biggest obstacle while going to college. unless there is a well managed student i've seen even the most organized student procrastinate and turn in late work. if i were able to brush off procrastinating, i would have all A's in college, but because my reinforcment with procrastinating my homework, it comes immediately, and the reinforcement of getting my homework done in order to recieve a great grade in the class room comes later. although the reinforcement comes, it doesn't come quick enough. therefore, if i were able to go back in time, i would tell myself to stop procrastinating and get what i need to get done, done.