New England Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at New England Institute of Technology know before they start?


I would tell my younger self to start earning money for college in high school, apply for scholarships and get your name out there. I would also try and go straight into the school of my choice instead of spending two years at a community college trying to figure out my major.


It's been very valuable attending college because you get to experience a different way of life without your parents and having a independent life. While attending college I learned the importance in attending class and focusing more in class, and the importance of time management from school, friends, and my job. Attending college helped me to become more independent and helped me become less of a kid and more of an adult.


I have gotten so much out of it so far, i have made eat friends that i will never forget and i have learned so much in my classes. I have learned that you need to make time for study and for fun if you want to live a balenced life. If i did not attened i would never have had these things happen to me. My life would not be going anywere and i would be stuck so i do this so that my life will have perpus and meaning in everything i do.


My year at University, I learned a lot about science. From the complex things to the abstract, I developed a love for the sciences. From childhood I hide to create formulas. In college I learned how to create and perform a formula, we follow safety rules. These security rules make me to love day to day science and University life. A university life which I develop intellectually and academically to achieve complete my vocation becoming a doctor. Biology which is my major makes me want to learn more in the care and protection of the human being. Biology is so divided in the care of human beings and animals through my college experience I have developed a love of studies and academic preparation for the dream of my life of becoming a professional. Teachers encourage my wishes to acquire knowledge in the classroom and autodidactic research. Which is present in me besides the information my teachers at University give me, I find more information to view more aspects of the information provided to have more knowledge when I get to the Biology classroom. This means that my world is full of several information to my success aspires professional and academic.


I feel that any college can give you a wealth of knowledge even if it is not directly related to the school. The teachers at my school have a weatlth of knowlege that will help me in life even if i do not choose to go into my career with the major as my back ground and basis for that career. After all its the small bits of advice you get when you least expect it that give you the most in an education and the most out of life.


I am attending college to be of greater value to my employer, and to myself. New England tech offers me the opportunity to get an education in a very hands on approach, and that is the way i learn best. During my time here I have become very appreciative of the equipment that I have experience working with in industry. One of the fringe benefits of being a college students is that I have had to learn to be disciplined in my approach to life. My time and resource management has evolved as my time in college has gone on, and that is something that I am looking forward to taking back to the workplace. The idea of learning intricate details about systems that I have already worked with intrigues me, and I have found myself bombarded with so much knowledge on how I can make improvements to these systems when I return to work with them. As much knowledge as I had coming into this experience I can honestly say that it has already increased tenfold and I look forward to contnuing on this journey.


During my High School years, I never made any effort. I am intelligent and consider myself a hands on person. Being away from home and attending College in Rhode Island actually made me grow up and learn responsibility. I was raised by my Mother and she always tried to instill good educational values and work etics in me because of how hard she has worked to raise me. If I knew then what I know now, I would probably understand more of what my Mother tried to iinstill in me to understand how important an education and working hard is.


The very first thing I would tell myself if I could go back in time to my Senior year in high school is to apply for more scholarships. While I did apply to a few, I definitely could have applied to more, as I only received two. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to pick up a book on programming in C++ so I could get ahead of everyone else in my game programming classes. Aside from those two things, I don't think I would tell myself anything else, as the transition has been fairly smooth.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to absorb as much knowledge as possible; not only in the class room, but also in the natural world outside the class room. Observe and learn how animals live and apply it in the world of the future, keeping in mind that many animal and plant species are endangered and need to be preserved and provided for. Learn the natural way as the Native Americans used to - only use what you need. Apply all that is observed and learned and help create an environment usefull now and in the future.


I would tell myself to get more involved with life on campus.. maybe pick a college that had on campus housing. with sports teams. i played ice hockey in high school and i miss it. i would tell myself to choose my friends with a liitle more caution. be open to need and different people and things.