New England School of Communications Top Questions

What should every freshman at New England School of Communications know before they start?


I have made more friends than I even could have imagined, and not only in my field, but in all majors. That is one of my favorite things about NESCom, there is always a project going on that gets ALL of the majors involved, which is how you learn to work together and even learn a bit about video or audio if you were a journalism major. I also believe it's very vaulable to attend a school as small as NESCom because you do get that hands on experience. I was out conducting interviews and writing up newstories within the first two weeks I was there. It's fun and most of the time it doesn't even feel like learning because it's something that I'm truly interested in. I've learned so much in the first semester, and that just makes me 10x as excited to return for my next 3.5 years!


The college experience has many good and bad aspects to it. My Freshman year I learned about patience, persistence and being proactive. I had a very bad experience with my first roommate that required a college Dean to get involved. Thanks to being placed in a new room with a new roommate, I had the opportunity to make friends with a whole new set of people. That experience reminded me that life is full of challenges and it is up to us, as individuals to put a positive spin on things.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior the advice I would give myself is to apply to more schools, fill out more scholarships, and actually take time to do homework. I would tell myself not to slack off with "senioritis" and to stop making excuses. Knowing what I know now about college life I would definitely inform my former self that I need to exert more effort in all my subjects and gain some money.


It will get you ready for the real world. Classes are exciting and the professors are not stuffy they make learning fun. It's a great place to go if you want to be a journalist. It's a real personable school.