New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about New Mexico State University-Main Campus? Why?


The worst thing about this school is the finances. Tuition keeps on going up and its just hard to pay finanacially . Besides that i think everything is wonderful about NMSU


all of the partying that goes on nearly every day of the week


School spirit. I feel like we students need to come and support their school more.


I would have to say that the science lab teaching assistants are somewhat hard to understand due to the fact that they are from other countries. They know their stuff but sometimes they are hard to understand becuase they have such strong accents.


Campus Parking! The parking lots are over crowded and the campus does nothing about it!


The fans of our sports teams. They are always the first one's to get down on our team.


The worst thing I remember happening at my school, is when a fraternity guy took 21 shots on his 21st birthday and died the next day from binge drinking.


its so cheap, teachers get less money. good teachers leave.


The worst thing about NMSU is parking. There is not enough parking for all of the students, faculty and staff, and so sometimes I am forced to park long distances from where my classes are actually located, or even park off campus. This has been a problem since i've been going to school here, and the administration has tried a few different ideas to help, but nothing has really worked thus far.