Don't procrastinate. Take advantage of the resources available to you to get scholarships. If you want to go to college focus on that goal, do not underestimate yourself. Value the importance of your education. Getting to college is something you have to work for it is not just earned. Dont tell yourself "you can't" because there are many ways to get to college, don't make exscuses. Have a positive attitude about continnuing your education. Dont go into this with an "I dont care attitude". Getting a college degree opens many doors for the future and more job opportunities to choose from. Learn to properly manage your time. Study to stay ahead. Make sure to be aware of assignment deadlines.
Look, I have a few things to tell you. You are doing great , with the 3.8 GPA and all, but when you get to NMSU, Biology is going to kick your butt. So spend more time studying and take this class more serious, especially because the boyfriend (Chris) you thought you were going to marry won't be around after that class. Also, keep playing rugby for the NMSU Chiles. It's hard sometimes because you could get hurt, but this Rugby family helps make college fun, and the girls on the team help you through so much. And last. I know you feel like you can't get anyone to understand your major, but I want you to stick with it. On your birthday, your sophmore year, your boyfriend (Lute) will give you a promise ring and ask you to move in with him. He also makes plans for you to move Arizona with him after you both gratuate. He wants you to marry him and he has someone who can get you a job there. So even though your family doesn't support you, he does, and he will become what matters most to you.
I would have stayed in busy California and gotten an education there. I would have traded the hussle and bussle for this small town, even though I loved the quiet and peace it brings. It can be too quiet and there are little recourses available.
To go back in time and give myself advice about college life and the transition would be a great thing. I would go back in time and tell my self that the environment is not as bad as people make it seem while you are growing up so there is no need to stress over the summer about coming to the university environment. Another piece of advice I could give is to really focus on putting in the time to study and concentrate on making those good grades, there will be time for fun after you have finished your studies and the fun will feel better because you will not be worrying about getting the work finished at last minute and it is not of good quality. This would be advice that anyone coming into the university environment could use and it be beneficial to them in the future.
My best advice to myself would be to practice studying harder. When I first came here I had no idea what a difference the workload would be compared to high school. I would also have told myself to save up a lot more money then I did, even just for general expenses.
I know so many things now about college that I wish I knew as a high school senior. I would tell myself about the many resources available for finding scholarships. That would have helped me out a lot. I would also tell myself to be more serious about college applications and researching colleges because I did not do any of that. It has been a huge regret to me. I would also tell myself to be more active in my high school. Having experience in clubs and student government would have benefited me. With the experience I have now, I would tell myself not to push myself to leave home. Everything I need at this moment is right here in my hometown.
"Angie, you may think college is just fun and games now, but just wait. Your going to decide to do chemical engineering as your major and it is extremely difficult. In high school, you don't have to read, but in college, YOU HAVE TO READ! If you don't read you won't know the material and you will fail. The teachers don't have enough time to teach you everything, so you have the responsibility to read, to learn, and to ask questions when you don't understand something. In high school you have time to do your homework in class, but not in college so don't procrastinate! Your going to have a lot of trouble with this so try to stop now! Go to class whether or not the teachers takes role because going to class can only help you and you can ask questions. Learn to take notes in a way that you are comfortable with and that's fast even if you need to use "txtn language". Make friends that care about school and can make you laugh. Communicate with your teachers because they'll know that you care! Hope this helps Angie!" -Angie
If I could go back in time I would advise myself to take school more seriously because college classes are far more difficult. I would also tell myself to study harder and get better grades this way I did not have to repeat some of the high school classes in college. This would make it easier to transition into college and immediately began working on the classes that count towards your degree. I would also advise to possibly look into taking a college course while a senior in high school. Doing something like that would give a better understanding of how college courses are conducted.
The most important piece of information I would tell myself is if you believe you can achieve and a popular saying everyone continues to hear in their lifetime, nothing comes easy in life. Leaving high school and enterering the real world as everyone describes it can be overwhelming. We quickly become adults and need to begin to make responsible decisions. You must no longer continue to procrastinate or wait for mom to do it for you because that only piles on more stress to an already new, challenging environment. Finding a job arises because now tuition, books, possibly housing and other expenses are now present and become attached to you and never seem to go away. The main point is, it is life now and it's time to work hard for what you want. The big picture is going to college, no doubt about that, so it is up to you to work hard and do what it takes to get there whether it be scholarships or getting a job and striving for good grades. This is your life now and it's up to you whether you succeed or not, so step up to the challenge of life.
Dear Me,
You are a senior in high school and will be graduating soon. Congratulations! The next two years are going to be the best of your life. You are going to meet amazing people in the theatre department who turn into great friends (so you can stop fretting that you won't fit in.) Your professors are not going to be evil like everyone has told you; in fact, most of them are very encouraging and want you to do well.
That being said, what you need to remember is that when you get super lonely and frustrated with school and your major (which you will) there are these wonderful people in your life, and you don?t need the parties and late night drinking games that you?ll see all around you. Remember also that money is a precious commodity and not to spend it all on frivolous things (those red heels don?t look good on us anyway). Lastly, college curriculum is much harder than high school, so give yourself a break when you get that first B. You?ll save both of us a lot of Kleenex if you do. Have fun! I know you will.