New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at New Mexico State University-Main Campus know before they start?


I had a professor tell me in one of my first classes: there are three secrets to doing well in college. Work hard, play hard, and don't skip class. I can say it truly made my college years enjoyable!


Finding the right college is a daunting process. I think that going away from from home at least two hours is important. Being away from home allows you to grow and find out who you are. Staying grounded to your morals and values is very important so it is imparative to go to a place where you feel comfortable and do not give in to the many temptations that college life offers. I would suggest always keeping and open line of communication between parent and student. In the end go where you will be comfortable and able to take time to study hard in order to be a successful college student. Parties last a night, education lasts a lifetime.


First of all, students should look into the college see what programs they offer. If your looking for a specific program then that should be the colleges that you research. Also, another idea should be to take a tour of the campus, see what it is like and if it gives the student the right vibe. Another thing would be to see how much financial aid could be given for those who need it. If the student is from out-of-state joining clubs or activities would be the best way to make the most of the college experience. Meeting new people everyday is half of the college experience, it is very interesting to meet people from different ethnicites and backgrounds. Also, by meeting these new people you will make friends that could last a lifetime.


Decide what you are interested in studying, and pick a school that is strong in that field and is in a location that you will be happy in. Instead of trying to get into "good" well-known schools, focus on what is best for you personally. Be open to moving somewhere new, meeting lots of people, and making new friends. College is obviously about education, but it is also developing lasting relationships with people. Remember , you only go to college once, so enjoy yourself!!


Finding the right college is one of the hardest things you will face. Picking the correct instituition is a choice that can only be made by the student. The school has to fit ones personality and goals in life. Look closely at every possible choice. Make a visit to some possible places. Don't just go somewhere because that's where your friends are going. College is about meeting new people that will become your new friends. Also if you do not pick carefully you will lose a lot of money in learning that life lesson.


The advice i would give parents is not to worry. Students there get along with each other NMSU has a great activity center and they have volleyball games, basketball games and etc. There kids will be in good hands there. There is alot of studying places and security. As of students i do and would like to tell them that i personnally love this school. there is math centers theres english centers theres a lot of help for classes and there is alot of activities for resisdence at the university. Specially as a freshman. This school brings life to someone who doesnt have family there. When you end up graduating from NMSU you willl have a family created!!


i would have to say that it is what you make of it. anybody can go to college and make it, but it takes even less effort to fully enjoy it. for one you want to go to a place that seems like your cup of tea. it is all about how much you are willing to put in, becuase if you put in the time, the college lifestyle seems to pay off itself off ten-fold. like they say "college is the best damn time of your life" and i truely believe it now


Enjoy the learning experience at an university. Make the most of all the resources available. Offer plenty of support in any way possible.


Advice I would give to parents and students in finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is choose a college/university that makes you feel comfortable and safe. In choosing this university, also know that you are now on your own. All these things come into play once you reach this level in your education.


Where ever you go, the experience will be unlike anything you've ever gone through in your life. So I say go to the place that best suits you finacially, because if you were looking to go there, you were interested in the first place. Even if it's only a block away from your house. It will still be fun. But I do also think that if you don't like a certain kind of weather like rain or snow, stay away from that. And the bigger the better in my opinion. I am from a large town and I now go to school in a small town. It's still bigger, but I feel like, sometimes, I am still not meeting enough people. I hope that help a little.