Being on your own isn't all it's cracked up to be. You don't realize how much you needed your parents guidance till you've moved out. But hopefully you pick a college where you can thrive both academically and socially. The key to enjoying your college experience is balancing work with play. By the end of your college experience, despite mistakes you've made and because of all your accomplishments, you'll have matured into a true adult and contribution to society.
When I first came to this campus I walked down the main walk way and into the student union on an average school day. This gave me a good idea of the type of people that came to this school and I saw that there is a wide variety student life. The overall adittude I received was a very friendly and fun one. I did the same thing at other universities and the student enviroment was truely a different feeling, I didn't like it and I felt uncomfortable. My best advice to give is to visit these universities and pick the one that best suits you. Surround youself with student life that works just as hard as you do and through collaboration and cooperation success will follow wherever you choose to be. As far as choosing a college based on the education alone, keep in mind that the course cirriculum is very simular at almost every university in the country. Student life is very important and finding the one that you fit into the best is truely something to take into account when choosing your future home for the next four years.
First off, I would definitely advise parents to start saving early for their child's college fund. My mom never started a college fund for me, so I really came into this whole experience having to pay my own way through, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, however, it did somewhat have a part in my college choice. For students, I would advise them to take as many AP courses as they can. Or if their high school offers them the option to take courses at their local university, they should take advantage of it. My general education classes have not been my favorite, so if I could've already recieved credit for those in high school and just jumped right into my major, that would have been much better use of my tuition funds. I would also tell students that college isn't high school- attendence is absolutely necessary for success in any course. Other than that, I would advise students to just have fun and work hard.
Make sure to visit the campus.
parents and students need to work together and talk about what they think are the most important things a school should have in order to give the student the best experience possible.
Go with your gut feeling and don't let others influence where you want to go. Also don't let money discourage you because if you look hard enough there are a lot of scholarships out there.
Take your time and make sure all answers are answered prior to committing.
Staying local was a great choice for me. I wanted to go to other colleges to get out of my town but Im glad I didnt. It was nice being close to home and it was cheaper as well.
Think about what you are interested in, academically. Make sure that the college you attend has classes in the areas that you are most interested in because if it doesn't and you choose a university that isn't exactly adequate then you may be unhappy during your education, and will have to go through the arduous process of changing schools. Also, it is important to try sports and activities that you wouldn't normally have done before as in college there are all kinds of activities to try.
When looking for a college. You need to keep in mind three things. Location, Programs, and the future because if those three things aren't in mind you will not be able to find the best dicision for yourself. I mean you look where the school is located what programs that can help you be what you want to be, and in the future are you going to move over to the next state or stay in the state? Me personally I'm going to stay at NMSU Las Cruces, New Mexico until I graduate then go to Culinary School in San Fransico, California for gratduate school. because thats where i want to live and that's what i want to do. But NMSU can teach me a lot about the restaurant because they offer an excellent HRTM (Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism management) program. Making the most of the college experience you want to get your hands dirty get into clubs, get a job, feel the struggle from finances and homework, learning how to be organized. Just be real involved with everything and anything around you. Have fun with it and whatever problems come around just think. its not permanent.