Make sure you are always financially secure at whatever school you attend, and join a club or a team! You will have freinds for life...
I would say go tour the college as well as the town first, afer all you may like the college itself but remember you are going to be living there so make sure you love it. Also talk to students who attend the school ask them questions and get their opinions on things that matter to you such as religion, politics, activities, academics, etc... Once you choose a school GET INVOLVED. In college I believe you get out what you put in, join intermural teams if you like sports, academic groups, sororities/fraternitys, and so on whatever intresets you these things help you meet so many people and also keep you busy and involved so there is no time to het home sick, or even bored.
do your research early, dont wit until the last minute to decide where you want to attend school
For students don't be all about getting as far away as possible look at college closer to home. For parents should your child not be happy and is not fitting in during the first semester, listen to them and find one that fits. It's out there just keeping looking it's all worth it.
it has just got to feel ya , and you have to feel it back
i would say to really look at the resources available to help students.
My advice to parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of thier college experience would be that "it is never to early to start looking at colleges." The sooner you start to set your life goals and work towards achieving them the more enjoyable your college experience will be.
Just remember to have an equal balance between fun and work and you'll do fine.
First of all, make sure that you realize that college is not just about academics. I learned through my experiences as a Resident Assistant that students go through a lot of life changes, as well as academic changes, and there is no way to stop them. Rather, prepare yourself to enter the college atmosphere with the understanding that change is inevitable. Avoid all extremes. Studying too much, to the demise of social interaction, leads to poor mental health. Getting distracted from school will obviously lead to poor grades. College is meant to challenge you, but keeping your mental health in check is more important than rising to that challenge, especially when you have an extremely difficult major. Don't try to be overly competitive, or to do too many things on your own. College is about collaboration and learning, not about hot shot students. Other people are the most valuable resource you will ever come across in life. Take hold of the things that inspire you and never let go - College will be so much smoother if you stay inspired through difficult times. Always form study groups, and IF YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN ASK FOR HELP!
Keep your children motivated about school, let them be able to explore different options to find what is their niche.
Go with the school that will best suit your child. also, apply for as many scholarhips as you can!