New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known more about the school itself. I went to another college for my first year and it was the worst experience in my life. So when I moved closer to home and went to NMSU things began to turn around for the better. I love my school because it allows me to become more open with myself and find things that interest me as well. Its good to find a college that fits me so well and close to home too.


I wish I had been informed of the length of time it would take to earn a degree. I am burnt out and it is impossible for most people to graduate within the four years. You have to be on top your game and do your research before you get here if you want to make sure and be successful.


That I would be free as a bird the day I entered. That I wasn't as grown up as I thought I was. That I was more capable than I thought I was. That getting involved is a good thing, and spending your time with others is far superior to always doing what you'd prefer at the given moment - people know other people, and getting connected is awesome! That life doesn't have to be so serious all the time in some ways, but it's as serious as a heart attack in other ways.


How busy your schedule can get at times.


I wish I had known more about the clubs on-campus.