New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Top Questions

What should every freshman at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary know before they start?


I did not take Literature class seriously and therefore, I missed many opportunities to read the classics. Now, Shakespeare and Henry David Thereau are on my's virtual book shelf. High School was a boring experience for me. Looking back, I would advise myself to study and read more in Literature. I also would advise myself to have taken Art IV class because I could had applied for a college scholarship; instead, I took a typing class, suggested by my mother. There were no mentors for me to learn to apply for colleges, how I would pay or knowing how to set a goal of study to create a career. If I could return to myself, I definitely would seek out guidance for the school counselor.


No matter what you want to do with your life, spend your undergraduate education learning a skill that you could fall back upon in a time of need. Having obtained an undergraduate degree in International Affairs and a masters degree in Divinity, I have thoroughly enjoyed all of my education, and I greately value what I have learned. However, outside of "church work" none of my education has prepared me to be able to obtain skilled work in the event that I should need to find a job outside of a local church. Had I the opportunity to do my post-secondary education again, I would have pursued an undergraduate degree that would allow me to obtain a "back-up" job, should I ever need one (culinary arts, accounting, business management, etc.)