New York University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about New York University!


NYU is an amazing school. Many people complain because it was there dream school and then when they actually get there, they don't like it, but that's mainly because it's such a big school and a lot of people feel lost in the crowd. However, it's not hard to join a club or get involved in something at NYU because there really is something for everyone, so if someone feels lost, they can easily be found by doing something they love with other people.


It is difficult to go to NYU as a freshman. You're suddenly in the city, without a campus or a defined community. Its hard and depressing as a freshman, and most students want to transfer their first semester. But after you come back from winter break, you begin to fall in love with your school, finding your community and close group of friends. When you meet up with your peers from home, you wont have very much in common regarding your school. There is no football team, few fraternities, few sororities. There are no eating clubs, and no school green (unless you count Washington Square park or the steps of Union Square). But there are restaurants, and Frisbee in Central Park, free Fridays at the MoMA, and underground concerts in Williamsburg. And since you wont need a car, you wont have to beg your parents for one...and you wont have to pay for the increasing gas prices!