New York University Top Questions

What should every freshman at New York University know before they start?


College, to me, was a place for me to become who I was supposed to be, especially since I went to school in New York City. I've loved in the same city with the same friends and same surroundings my whole life. Being able to go to school on my own in a place like New York City gave me the chance to figure out who I am on my own. I'm excited to see where life takes me next- hopefully it's just as much fun as college was!


I have become much more aware of different lifestyles. I also, have been opened up to so many opportunities for community service and activities. I have become an active participant in the community in which I live. It's encouraged me to step outside of comfort zones, while also reminding me that I'm not an unbreakable force. It has prevented me from falling into the traps of a small town life, contentment and closed-mindedness. I have become more eager to learn and explore and also to educate those with lesser opportunity.


I have explored the city and learned a lot of new material from my classes and professors. NYU has been valuable to attend because there are always so many wonderful opportunities for success offered no matter what you are studying.


Attending college is completely different than highschool. Not only am i in a totaly different atmosphere but i also feel more independent than i had in highschool. I feel i am learning more about life and the value of a dollar as i save for each semester. College makes me feel like i am doing something great for my future because its my CHOICE to go.


The most important thing I got out of college was learning the unwritten and invisible code of behavior that is not taught in class. I learned to take a different perspective on my work and career. I learned it was not a "job" but a "career" and how important it was to portray that to potential employers. At the end of the day, college was worth it. The discipline to get the work done, the interaction with professors who were leaders in their industry and the time to transition to adulthood were all benefits. College is valuable as a transitional place and time where students can shed their old identities created by families, neighborhoods and friends and morph into a new person entranced with new ideas and possibilities.


I've really started to take much more value in my time and what I do. In high school, since I went to a public high school, there's no money involved and I basically made the whole experience a matter of passing time until graduation. But now that I'm in college, not only am I aware that I'm paying a whole lot of money to be here, but I'm seeing that I actually need to start taking direction in my actions. So many things I've stopped myself from doing before (taking dance classes, going to more club activities), because I thought I didn't have any control over my time. But now, I control my schedule, I control my curfew, I honestly do have a whole lot more freedom and along with that, a whole lot of more responsibility in what I do. College, I think, has made me make the best of my freedom and really try to get on top of things.


More than anything, I have learned to be independent not only in my studies but in life in general. Reality came crashing down my freshman year of college when I realized that I am completely in charge of my own education and my overall future. Because you are mostly on your own in college, you have to be constantly focused and proactive. This is hard to do while you are still figuring out what you want to do with you life and when your family is struggling financially. You are torn between the responsibility you have towards your family and towards yourself. You want to do something you are passionate about but you also want to make money in the long run. Thus, although you want to continue that journey of self-discovery you started in high school, you have to decide on a major early on and mold yourself around it. No matter how difficult the required courses may become along the way, it's important to just keep working hard because it is only with genuine hard work that you can achieve your goals AND achieve your happiness.


Coming back to college after being out of school for a few years was a decision that took some time for me to make; specifically because I did not enjoy high school. I attend a two year photography school where I received my associates. After working in the field for 3 years I wanted something more but couldn't figure out what. Something was missing from my life. After a trip to Africa, I figured out I wanted to go back to school for Anthropology. I realized that I wanted more from life and the first step would be to go back to get my degree. Being in school again I have learned more about the world, and myself. I was beginning to realize the potential that I have. I was being pushed by my fellow students, my professors and myself and it was a great feeling. My confidence was building and my intelligence was growing. I finally realized what I am supposed to do. And yes, college is expensive but what I am learning is priceless. My life is better because I went back to school. Slowly what was missing is getting filled and that is through college.


In my college experience, I have learned the importance of communication and teamwork. Communication with teachers, faculty, and other students is vital to earning a good grade; without skills in this area a student will struggle more than a student with these skills. Teamwork is also very important: reminders from other students is a great thing, and it is just as good to give as to receive. Sharing of notes, test dates, and other class related information helps both the person who shares and the one who needs these tools shared. Taking notes for a friend who may need to miss class, or for a teacher to have for handicapped student who needs a notetaker improves the note-takers skills and adeptness. Overall, classrooms are a great place to begin working on communication and teamwork because they are environments where we are graded on the quality of our work: to improve these grades we must do work on ourselves personally and this can be accomplished through the consious actions of helping others who may need it. Thank you for your consideration.


Going into college you never expect to end up learning so much, not only in regards to academics, but about yourself. New York University, being as open-minded and diverse as it is, has taught me to be true to myself. I've gained a multitude of cultural experiences. By being in the city, I get to experience a lifestyle that many college students only experience post -graduation, such as theatre, art, and meeting all kinds of people, ranging all ages. My personality, perceptions, and opinions have exponentially expanded. I could not place myself on any campus other than New York University's when thinking of a college education. I am being taught by world-renown professors and am surrounded by students from all over the world who are extremely intelligent, passionate, and eclectic. Where else can you get an educational experience like that? Being here at NYU I've learned two important lessons. I learned to never be afraid to break down the walls that are holding me back and that passion is key in everything you do. Attending NYU was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I don't regret it for a second.