Dorman Walker,
College life is a completely different life than leading a life throughout the high school years. Sure, there are few similarities, but more differences in this stage of life. One mentatlity that is different is how you care about your work. Sure, in high school, you care about your grades that you can achieve easily by sleeping throughout most of the class. That's not the case in college though. Paying attention 24/7 is crudely essential. Spending 15 minutes on homework will never happen in college as well. Fifteen minutes will soon turn into three to five hours locked into a small room in the basement of your library in college.
Besides education, social life is a totally different aspects as well. Fraternities, soroities, clubs, athletics are all different aspects that will consume time in your new life. While all these are new things to be a part of, managing money or even finding a job is also essential to college life. While managing education, activities, and money, college isn't always the fun life people expected. All of these aspects prove my point of why college is a complete one-eighty from high school.
Newberry Walker
If i could talk to myself back when I was high school senior, I would say, fight the senior-itis urge. What your do now will have huge effect on how your GPA will look and that is very impotant when it comes to scholarships and grants. I would also tell myself that sooner you learn to like reading and studying the better off you will be. College involves a great deal of both and if you sharpen those skills now the smoother you college experience will be.
I would tell them that my college life experience so far was good because I spend most of my time with friends there and basically everything is just the same except you are in control of things you want to do in college which you have a little bit of freedom
Advice I would give on finding the right college and making the most of the experience is start by looking a small colleges. Smaller colleges take the time to notice you. You are somebody at a smaller college, not just a number, like at many larger universities and colleges. Choose a college that chooses you! Take notice of the college(s) that are sending you lots and lots of information, and are also inviting you to be apart of the campus life and social events, before you even enroll. Newberry College gave me free sporting event passes, invited me to dinner, allowed me to stay the night on campus with a Newberry student, all before I enrolled. That's how I knew Newberry was the right college for me. They choose me!! Also look for a great finacial aide/new student couselor, who is constantly keeping base with you, and informing you of new scholarship opportunities. Importantly, look for a school whose student body is active, and mostly, friendly and accepting. Notice the way the students interact with ALL of each other, and picture it as the way they will interact with you. A loving, accepting Student body is KEY!!!
I would recommend that parents work with their students to choose the perfect school for the student. Take everything into consideration, and apply to as many schools as needed to increase the chance of being accepted.
Find a college that best fits your personality, if you grew up in a big city with lots of things to do to keep you entertained you should look for a school in the same setting. make sure the school has an active social life, sometimes all you need for fun is right in front of you on your schools campus. also be sure that there are many clubs and groups to join they are helpful in many ways, they build friendship, leadership, responsibility as well as many other important characteristics needed for after your life in school. make sure there are plenty of places to get some studying done as well, because a dorm room is not always the best environment for studying quiet places seem to be the most effective places and that isnt always an option when you live on campus. finally make sure it is a place you can see yourself being happy with for the next four years, because it seems best to choose one school and stick with it, dont forget this is a very important decision for not only your life in the present but also the future.
The advice that I would give to students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is: If possible, get away from your parents and really experience what it's like to live somewhat on your own. By doing this you ensure that when you graduate, you have enough of a sense of independence that you can make it on your own. Also, don't just follow the money, and choose a major that will lead to a career/job that you will love. Many Americans and people all over the world, are stuck in a job that they hate. The job may pay well, but what is the point of doing a job that you hate and drives you crazy? Pick a career that you will love and every day your work will be better for it. As for parents, all I can say is don't force your children to do something they will hate. By this I mean, do not force a career on your child because you think it's what they will enjoy.
Find the college you feel the most comfortable in. If your not happy in your choice your work, grades, friends, and everything else in your life will be effected. Try out several different core classes in your first year to see if your major is really the one for you and if that is what will truely make you happy. College isn't all fun and games but who says you can't make studying fun. Try study groups and hang on with people in the class. Though studying is important and you need to do a lot of it, don't stay stuck in your room all day. Sunlight is good for you and so it making friends and doing other activities. You can ioin a fraternity/sorority, join a play production, join a sports team, and many other things. College may be hard but is one of th emost exciting and influential times of your life, so have fun but don't be stupid. College is something that others may never get chance to experience so suck the marrow out of life and enjoy.
You dont have to worry about your children at this college. Your child wont just be stuck behind a desk all day and if they are determined there are a lot of opportunites at this college for them.