Newman University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Newman University know before they start?


Dear high school self, It's not about you. I realize that you are amped to go out into the world and do the things you've long dreamed of, to stake your claim and let your voice be heard, but hear me out for just a moment. This may come as a surprise, but the world is a big place full of many people feeling what you feel at this very moment, and while this is a fine and natural thing, it is important for you to know that it is about more than you. All of history has built up to this single moment, gathering and forming itself into what it is today. There are people who have lived that history, learned it's lessons and now wait for you, and the countless others like you. Let them gift you their knowledge, let it ignite you so that you may one day encounter a high school senior and have enough to pass along to them. Like the past, you are an amalgamation of all the roads you have traveled thus far, and your journey is just begun!


If I could go back and tell myself anything it would be to work as much as I possibly could and save up some money. College is really expensive and you'll need all the money you can get. I would also tell myself to go back and pay a little more attention in Math class. I slacked off in that class I know I could have done much better. Instead I took the much easier route and my class grade suffered. Also I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships so that paying for it will be alot easier and I won't have as much stress on me to figure out how to pay for it all.


I would love to go back and start all over if I knew then what I know now. I would definitely start my college search a lot sooner than I did. I would tell myself to not be hesitant to try out for sports and clubs and be more a part of my school. I would tell myself to connect better with those around me, including classmates, teachers and administrators - even reaching out to those in my community. I would of told myself to try harder and to look for any and all scholarships available to graduating seniors. I would of told myself to study harder and create better study habits than those I am finally having to learn. I would tell myself to make memories and friendships that will grow even more while we attended the same college.


As a high school senior I was extremely motivated, supplementing my senior schedule with college hours. One could deduce that I continued on to college with out fail. The sad reality was that I fell in love, and got impatient. Being so young, I thought that I would have plenty of time to work college into my life, however, reality of life hit with full force. Time has a tendency to slip away from you, and I soon found my aspirations of becoming a doctor faded into the shadows. Since then, I have been struggling to obtain money for college, so I enlisted into the Army. After one deployment, I found myself a single-mother. As a result, I chose an honorably discharged, allowing me to utilize the GI Bill for college. Given all the time and heartache that I have endured, I would advise my high school self, to be patient. Furthermore, attending college while life is simple is paramount to a successful outcome. Now, I do have college paid for, however, I have two little girls that absolutely depend on me. I am giving myself the same guidance, as I would my high school reflection, have patience.


The college experience has opened up a whole new world of opportunity to me. It has shown me through students, faculty and situations that I can do what I want to with my life. I'm a dreamer, and now I know that my dreams can indeed come to pass. When they say anything is possible, listen, because anything IS possible. Follow your heart.


When I attended my first college I chose a large, public college campus. After high school I felt that I wanted to see the world and have the "college experience," and this was the only way to do this. I spent two years at this public university struggling in my classes and feeling lost in a sea of students. I decided I needed a fresh new start. I transferred to a small, private university. It was the best decision I have yet to make. I may be struggling financially to make ends meet but you cannot put a price on the education that I have received at Newman University, located in Wichita, KS. I have learned more in 1 semester at Newman than I had in the 2 years at the public university. I have wonderful teachers who care about you more than just a student. I had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala for an eight week study/serve trip before my first semester at Newman University. After this, I knew that Newman was the place for me. My only regret is that I wish it had not taken me so long to get here!


I have gotten exactly what I wanted out of my college experience, the tools needed to advance and I learned timely and up to date information on what I needed to succeed. It has been very valuable, and I am glad I was accepted into the college.


The expeirances i have gotten thus far with being a college student, are many and for the time i have been here at Newman University i have learned a few tricks into getting the most out of my education. First get involved with the campus activities, go on the retreats it holds, worst thing that could happen is you get free food, and you meet a bunch of new people. Second communicate and talk with your professors, they want you succeed, they want you to be comfortable with them and they really do want you to pass their classes. Third don't be stupid. Yes we all know that the excitment of being on your own can be over whelming at times, you got all those parties, and all those cool seniors and upper classmen you want to get tight with, but just remeber "it's Never the biggest party." I value my education because my goals in life require me to do the best i can be. Being a college student is quiet an achievement, ans succeeding as a college student is even greater. So push the limits, and be who are suppose to be. great.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not give up. Throughout my four years at high school I devoted my time to community service. To me, the greatest feeling was helping those in need. I continued to give my time to the less fortunate, special needs, and mentoring and helping with pregnant teens. Now, I continue to do those things but with a deeper passion. I would tell myself to stay strong, that everything I do for others, in reality, benefits me the most. I remember the faces and the smiles that touched my heart so much. I would also tell myself to not be afraid of letting go. In order to truly help someone you must take down that barrier that puts you at a different level with the other person. Although it may seem like you are the person helping, the person in need ends up helping you more. They will give you a sense of life and a sense of hope. Each person will continue to shape you into a better human being. Don't ever give up.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself these main things. Gain as much information about the university as possible; this will help make the decision of which college to go to. Although I would not choose a different college if I were to go back in time, I do wish I would have gained more information and visited many different colleges instead of just two. Extra credit will not save you. Many professors do not ?believe in? extra credit and banking on it to get your way out of a bad grade is a bad idea. Your high school teachers are right, high school is nowhere near as hard as college, and they are trying their best to prepare you for the road ahead, if only you would pay more attention. DO NOT procrastinate, especially when it comes to studying. Tests are hard and studying for the test the night before, like you did in high school, is not a smart idea. Listen to your professors, when they say this will be on the test it will, when they study this study it!