North Central University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend North Central University?


Someone who is not religious. This is an assembly of God school and we are required to minor in the Bible.


A person with a personal relationship with God, and someone who is looking for a place where they can grow not only academically but spiritually. A person who wants to activley seek a deeper relationship with God.


One that has no desire to experience the Lord's presence.


Someone who hates city life


Conservative Christian person who still is following the orders of mommy and daddy, and their pastor at their church. Also, somebody who is closed minded to any religion other than their own. Somebody who doesn't take their career or education seriously. Somebody who wants to be a pastor.


Someone who is bisexual, homosexual, partier, dishonest, dresses immodestly or is rebellious and disrepectful to authority should not attend this school. You must be able to follow the rules that are set by this community. When you apply to this University you will recieve a list of Community Standards which you have to sign in order to apply. If you don't agree, or cannot follow this list of standards while attending school here, please don't apply. You will not start a revoloution to change this school, please don't try. It is already a great place.


Anybody and everybody should attend this school.


People who can't live by higher/christian standards.


Anyone, NCU is very diverse.


Someone who is driven spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.