Don't attend NDSU if you are not a driven student. It may be a small school in the middle of nowhere, but it is still very tough and the teachers expect a lot out of the students.
The type of person that shouldn't attend this school are the people that don't know what they want to do with their college career. You are spending way to much money and time, not only of your own, but others. Also, there are way to many career and goal oriented resources on campus to not take advantage of, it would be a waste!
I would say people that dislike cold, windy weather. It is a very easy to access all the bulidings since the campus is entirely flat and the doors are at ground level.
I can only see two types of people that should not attend this school: the students that are striving for a degree in art and students who can't stand the cold. The focus at NDSU is in the Engineering, Architecture and Agriculture programs and although Art is offered, there are other school even in the area that will offer a better program. It also gets very cold in the winter time, with lots of snow and wind chills getting into the negative 50 degree range.
One should attend North Dakota State University if his/her goal is to become an independent, hard working, and considerate individual. People who enjoy socializing will also find NDSU helpful as they offer many extracurricular activities and groups. There are over 100 majors to choose from, so almost anyone has the opportunity to involve themselves in the field of their interest. Lastly, NDSU has recently put much of their focus into becoming more ecofriendly, so anyone wishing to make a difference in terms of the environment would find NDSU a great school to attend.
I think there are a lot of different people at NDSU, and almost everyone would find something or someone they like. I guess a person who likes really big cities wouldn't like NDSU.
A very liberal or nontraditional person would have a harder time fitting in here.
If you are not fond of extreme weather such as below zero winters with even colder wind chills, NDSU may not be for you, there are a diverse group of students so its easy to find a niche that suits you from conservative to liberal, religious to non-religions, just about any group of people can be found on NDSU, we also have a large international student program, which brings alot of diversity to the campus.
Country kids who want to recieve an education.