i would say look at your options and try to find the school that you feel that you can fit into. Once accepted join an organization not related to your major. this will give you a broader spectrum of people that you may become friends with.
Take your classes seriously, or else it is a waste of time and a lot of money. Save up and borrow the least amount as possible.
I guess I would say it depends on your major. I learned that you always want to apply for your number one college institution that you want to go and at least two more back-up schools. That way if you don't get in you will have somewhere else to go. It's easier to get into a harder school by transfering there oppossed to going there straight out of high school. If you aren't accepted the first time try your second choice and then try tranfering after a semester or two. Another helpful tip is to make sure you get a tour of the campus first before accepting it as your college, that way you get a feel for it before you end up being stuck there and not likeing it. The best advice I can give is to do some research about your major to find where the best affordable institutions are and see if they fit your lifestyle and go for it. Anything can happen if you put your mind to it!
I would check the university's accredibility, their success rate of graduates finding jobs after graduation. The total package that comes with the college, (what everyone in general thinks about the school). How much has tuition risen in the last few years. The past enrollment, has it been up or down, steady in one direction. what is the universities plans for the future. Do they have what you need to become successful in whatever field you are interseted it, do they have a secondary field you would also like to go into, if you end up not liking your first choice. Things like that. Last thing, visit the campus and think 4 years down the road and go with your gut feeling. Good luck.
My advice would be to go to the college that feels most comfortable dont strech your wings to far.
When making your decision, pick the place that feels most like home. College is not just a place to learn, but it will be your home for the next few months/years. If you don't feel comfortable then you won't be successful.
Choosing the right college can be a difficult process, but you should choose a college that you can see yourself on day after day. Not only that but it should hold some qualities that match your interests. The only way one can make the most of their college experience, in my mind, is by having fun. It is true that you are here to learn and go to class, but one should also get out and experience eveything that the campus has to offer them. You will learn things that you would never be able to learn in a classroom. You will make friends that will last forever and will have many memories to look back on. College is said to be the best years of your life, why not take advantage of everything it has to offer you?
Don't forget about the future. No matter what your/your child's interests are now, you/they are bound to change your/their mind. Remember that a college is more than just an education.
I think that a student should choose a school that is going to challenge them and help them achieve everything they want academically. Don't be discouraged if you cannot decide on a major right away. Just take some time and try to figure out what it is that you really love and go with it. I also think joining clubs on campus is a great way to meet friends and get to know new people. College is about learning and growing as a person and is a great opportunity.
Meeting fun people, challenging yourself acadmecially, learning about yourself, being a member of a community, revealing your leadership skills. If these sound like qualities you wish to posses, then you need to decide what it is that you want from your college. For me, it was going to a college that was just big enough that not everyone knew your name, but not so big that you became student number 9,786,457. I wanted a college with several different organizations to become involved with. I wanted to go to a place that had conservative political views and a friendly atmosphere. The only way you can figure out what different colleges have to offer is by visiting them. Tour different colleges! That is the best decision you can make when narrowing your options. If you do that, you will certainly choose a place that will allow you to make the most of your college experience.