North Greenville University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about North Greenville University? Why?


The legalistic mindset and overbearing rules that can be overbearing and take away from individualism and independance.


One thing that is a downside to NGU is the way that things are run. There is a lot of efficiency issues within the school's administration. Another negative thing is the amount of rules that are pushed upon the student. The rules make college here seem more like high school and a glorified baby-sitting service.


The cafeteria choices are not very conducive to providing many options for those with food allergies and/or vegetarians. The food also seems to have less nourishing vitamins than the food we're used to at home. A good number of students have to supplement their meal plan with food they purchase with their own hard-earned money because they're not getting enough nutrients and several are losing weight unhealthily because the food options given them with their allergies are not very edible.


The only thing i dislike about my school is the fact that there is no visitation hours but i understand the purpose of this rule.


The worst thing about NGU would have to be the hills! On days when you don't feel good, the hill isn't your best friend. If you live in any of the "far away" dorms, you have to first walk up a muddy hill and then the paved hill which is really steep.


It can be pretty hard to make friends if you don't live on campus. There are no really no student groups to help you get involved. So unless you live on campus, you should plan on getting involved in sports, music, or cheerleading in order to build relationships with other students.


The rules and regulations regarding girls in guys dorms and vice versa. The only other thing that i do not love about the campus is the curfew which requires us to not be walking around campus after one at night.


The worst thing about North Greenville University would be the condition of buildings and the fact that no one really knows about the college. Since it is a small university, they lack some of the financial abilities as other schools.


North Greenville is limited in the number of majors that they can offer, perhaps, due to financial limitations & willing professors to take lower income salaries.


It's a young school so we don't have the best science facilities.