North Hennepin Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at North Hennepin Community College know before they start?


My advice to myself as a high school senior would be: -Take chemistry, calculus, and physics. These classes are a great basis for understanding the same college courses. -Try your hardest. Good grades will help you get into the colleges you want and need to get the best education. -Learn how YOU need to study, so that when you go to college you already know how. -Be ready to learn, this education you are paying for and so you only want to take these classes once.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say many things. First, I would tell myself to take all of my senior classes as a PSEO student and get as many general in as I could. The cost of four years of education at a nice university is unbelievable! PSEO is all free and it would take one whole year off of my loan in the long run. Also, I would tell myself to practice learning by myself apart from homework. If its spanish that I'm learning at that time, I would suggest getting a computer CD and taking extra time to learn off of that too. Independant learning is extremely important in college. Finally, I would tell myself to start looking for scholarships as a senior. There are so many scholarships out there for high school seniors and college is really expensive, so I would definately start looking now.


Without a doubt, I'd need to whisper, no shout, two simple words in my own ear: Don't Worry! Whether you realize it or not, people in this world want to help you succeed in your life. The world may be waiting on your doorstep, but it's not resting on your mortar board or your gown-clad shoulders. Relax and take the steps to your future with confidence. That's it.