I wish I could go back and show myself, because if I told myself I wouldn't believe it, that it will get better and it did get better. I heard this phrase so many times that it had become just that, a phrase, and it meant nothing to me. There was too many times where I could have sworn I had drawn the shortest stick and there was no "givesies backsies". This information would have eliminated so many sleepless nights, 30 minute showers were I couldn't distinguish the tears from the water stream, and days were I did nothing but lay in bed and wait to go back to sleep.
Some say we have just one life to live. I agree to that, so make the best of it while you can. There might be one life, but in this “life”, there are two kinds of lives lived.
The life after 40years; when you feel fulfilled, achieved.The life before 40years; your born, you grow up, you appreciate, you criticize, trying to answer the questions; how will my life be? What do I want? What do I do?
More than 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of university students in the world fall in this kind of life.
It is a difficult path, to struggle to be something. The most amazing part is that “it is not impossible, it’s just difficult” but there’ s always a way out. You need, determination, sacrifice, and above all love who you are, share the love where you are, take it it where you want to be. There’s just one thing you have to do “ Make A Choice”. It’s your responsibility, where do you fall?
Thank you all and I don’t wish neither do I hope but I say this should change you if you have not thought of it. I love you.
Not completing college right out of high school is definitely a 'do-over'. Here I am now submitting for a scholarship hoping that I can further my education with assistance. If I would have taken advantage of my opportunity as a young adult, I would be in a different place. A place where I could be focusing on a career instead of wishing what I should already have. Finishing college was not a primary thought when I was younger. So here and now I'm going back in time shaking my younger self saying ' stay in school' and get a degree.
Community college is the only way to go. It is good to save money, stay at home and develop "adult" skills", and the transition from high school to college is easier. High school course work does not compare to college in any way and it will not prepare you. Community college is a good way to learn skills to be able to succeed in college.
If I was a senior in high school I would tell my self, "Vanessa you better be filling out those scholarship applications because even though you are going to a community college it is still expensive. When you add up the tuition and books you can tell that you are going to need the money so never think it is too early to be appling for scholarships they are out their for a reason and you should take advantage of them."
Like I said, I'm not a college student yet, but I have been given advice from some friends that go to college. One of the most important advices I got was probably when my friend told me not to let anything distract you from succeeding. He told me that he was getting distracted with all the parties and that really backed him off a bit. But then he relized and got back to doing what's right and ended up graduating last year.
I would tell myself to not give up, to make myself relaize that there are thousands of colleges out there and to get confused about which one to go to is normal.
Take your time and pick the class schedule that works for you. Make sure you have applied for as many scholarships as possible; there is no such thing as too much. Leave the social websites alone and prioritize your school work. Do not stay up late studying it will only make you unfocused and you will miss classes. Exercise and eat healthy to keep up your energy. Study in the Library so that you won't incur many distractions. Sororities tend to keep test banks, when you join one utilize it. Make friends with upper classmen who have been where you are. Join the Science Club they have mentors that will help you. Get well aquainted with your professors and remember they are a resource. Review the topic after lecture while fresh in your mind. Stay organized at all times. Go to study and review sessions. Make sure to be flexible (sickness, family death, emergencies do happen). Befriend the smart kids and milk them for their knowledge. Partner with your advisor they can be your biggest advocate. Be on the lookout for more scholarships once in a program.
As a high school senior I would tell myself the same thing that education is the key to success. Going to school is very important if you plan to further in life. From what I've been through it has proven that with an education there are more open doors to success. I would have given myself the same advice. An education is with you for life.
GO TO CLASS! I know that the new freedom to sleep in or go hang out with your friends instead of going to class can be strong, but it is not worth the time and money you will waste. Also, do lots of research into different career fields and Financial aid as soon as possible. you can never start too early. Don't give up if you have set backs, like a low grade or personal problems, use it as motivation to try even harder.