I would tell myself to place focus on my grades ending high school and then in college. Striving for a GPA to reflect my capabilities of learning an array of things and also not to limit myself to just my major, but to explore other possibilities by taking electives. Through these I will find what things I can do that I have real interest in and enjoy doing to take a break from the world and my chosen job field. I would also tell myself to take advantage of any opportunities presented to me and use them to further my experiences in the world. Telling me all these things will help guide me when I finish high school and start college. Helping me transition into adulthood and the real world will be a great help as well making me more mature and responsible. I could also help other people achieve what they think is unachievable and guide them through it being a friend and mentor. I would grow as an individual and become more independent as a result of being able to travel back to when I was a high school senior.
concentrate on studies and take everything seriosly.
I have to say that if I could go back in time, I would tell myself to fulfill my dreams and not those of others. When I first entered college, I chose majors that either other people wanted me to or that I thought would please others. In the end, I ended up disliking those choices and those people that forced me into them were long gone. Here I am, years later, finally doing what I love... pursuing my RN Bachelors. I knew all along that it was what I wanted to do, but couldn't bring myself to stand up for what I believed in. So I definitely have to say that I would go back and encourage myself to follow my heart and not be what everyone else wanted me to be.
If I was to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself many things. The first thing would be to apply for more scholorships. I always hated writing and for most of the scholorships that were open for us had essays. If I could go back I would of filled out every scholorship that I qualified for. That is probably the biggest thing I would tell myself because right now I am struggling to pay for school. With having a part-time job and going to college is tough, espesically with all the homework and studying. I would also tell myself to save my money thats one thing I didn't do during my senior year and summer, I always spent most of my paycheck. I feel if I did those things in my senior year I wouldn't be struggling so much to pay for tuition and books.
If I were to go back and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would most likely tell myself to wait a year to go to college. I say this because for myself, going to college right after high school, wasn't the best option for me. I was still trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. I will openly admit that I failed my first semseter, and was put on acidemic probation. I started to do good after that, but then come my sophmore year, I started to fail again. It has taken me two years to finally figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and countless money spent on failed classes. I still feel guilty about all the money that went down the drain and how poorly I did in my pervious courses, knowing full well that I am a great student. I think that if I had listend to my heart as a senior, then I wouldn't have gone to college right after garduation. Instead I followed what I thought my parents wanted, or what I thought they wanted.
I'd tell myself to just buckle down and do it- just because you have a lot of freedom now, doesn't mean it should be abused. Just because you're unsure of yourself doesn't mean you shouldnt try. It's just another leg of the school journey. Take advantage of any of the help sources they have, instead of relying just on yourself. And appreciate all the help you get from everyone along the way. Dont worry about picking a major right off, most of them require a number of basics. And dont be ashamed for not picking one. Have fun, but learn when enough's enough and leave time for your work too. And good luck.
If I was to go back in time, I would dissaprove the negative perception of college work. I would be self assured that developing a new attitude about college would grant me, as always, a cherished success. As a reconnaissance, I would study widely in preparation for college education . And lastly, I would abandon all mundane activities that I used to engage myself in and replace it with mechanisms that arouse critical thinking, since critical thinking is the basis for an excellent performance in college.