Northern Arizona University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Probably NAU is known for great education at a reasonable price. Also, it is the only Arizona university that is located in a city with changing climate so it gets a lot of attention from people trying to escape the heat .


Our surrounding nature, nursing, forestry, education, and biological sciences.


NAU is best known for its football team, the Lumberjacks. Also the campus is known for pracice sessions in the summer from the pro team the Arizona Cardinals.


i dont know


NAU is known for it's excellent teaching and Geology schools. Due to the surrounding wilderness, it's forestry school has flourished as well.


Teaching although the business college is gaining ground fast we have been chosen twice to send students to visit and talk with Warren Buffet.


My school is best known for its great outdoor activites and research.


hotel and restaurant management


My school is probably best known for its teaching program, which it was originally built for. Some new buildings such as engineering and business are getting more funding from alumni supporters. My school also has a state of the art anthrax lab where research is done. Not surprisingly, graduate, as well as undergraduate, research is suggested for all students at some point in their school careers.


Being so laid back. It's definitely in hippie-ville but people do strive for their academics. The students are not as uptight as if you were to visit an eas coast school.