I tend to brag most about the fact that the professors at my university have all been great. They have been helpful and interactive in every class that I have taken.
The campus is extremely beautiful and the people are friendly. I have no classes on Friday and the campus is small enough for me to get to my classes quickly.
I brag about the beauty of the town of Flagstaff and the snow it gets for some of the year. I also take great pride in the classes and how small and intriguing they are.
I brag that Northern Arizona University has great staff and faculty, the classes are fun, and that the school is beautiful!
I brag about the size of the school and overall atmosphere most. Since NAU is a smaller university, the classes are not as large and the community is more closeknit and involved. The people who attend school here are all very friendly and accepting of new students, which helped me to transition to living on my own last semester since I did not feel as intimidated.
The things that I brag most about to my friends are the weather, easy to obtain the classes needed, and other students. The weather is great if you like the cold, I love the cold. I have not had trouble getting into any class unlike the california schools where you struggle to obtain classes. The other students are so friendly and make you feel like your really at home.
Jordan Rae
I am always sure to brag about the Honors Program. Although it does have flaws, it is one of the most rigorous programs I have been in. It pushes me to exceed in classes, activities, and even my own expectations. The staff and faculty are always very suportive and there is a great tutoring/writing center available to us. The library treats us as Grad students with a limit of 200 books we can check out at once. We also have our own computer lab available to us in our Halls.
I tell them it is the only real place in Arizona that has all four seasons, not just the two that most Arizonian's experience.
The sense of community at NAU is amazing. When I'm at school, I feel like apart of a family because of the kidness and warmth of everyone. That has been the number one thing that has my trasition from high school to college amazing.
I am currently taking my courses online and I love that I can stay home to work on my homework. It also allows me to have better work hours such as day shifts and week days. I save a lot of gas money having online classes.
Every time I talk about the Flagstaff campus of NAU, I always mention the Platinum Research and Development Building that is 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} self-sufficient, the easy access shuttle system that reaches the entire town, the nearby shops and food services, the Lowell Observatory nearby, the friendly staff and fellow students, the delicious food in the Union, the wonderful support services the faculty provides for the students and most importantly, the stunning view of the mountains high above the beautiful campus.
The professors actually care about your education and do everything in their power to help you succeed.
Beautiful weather, kind and friendly people, close to Sedona, Phoenix, and the Grand Canyon, liberal, open minded, easy going, relaxing, home
There are many aspects I love about my school but mostly I brag about the location- it's peaceful, quiet, in the mountains, covered in a healthy green, and it snows. Also, on one street over there's easy access to everything from the DMV to Walmart and Target to Barnes & Noble and lots of fast food places to choose from. Flagstaff is a college town and biking/walking community. I love it in the sense that it's very different from Los Angeles and the fact that everyone is so nice and each experience new and amazing.
I brag about the small, compact classes, the wonderful and caring staff, and the beauty of the campus. I will see at least 5 people I know on campus everyday and breathing in the mountain air is one of the most refreshing things I have ever experienced.
When asked about school, I brag to all my friends about the atmosphere that I live in. NAU is such a laid back and welcoming community. It really has made me feel at home and makes it much easier for me to focus on school.
That NAU is a most hippy school you can go to. If you like smoking marijuana then that is the school to go to.
NAU is great. Smaller class sizes allow for professors to know you by name and make you more accountable.
About school work. (tutoring)..u get lots of help..and how people are friendly there. There are lots of people to meet and become friends with. And how theres alot to do on campus..theres always stuff going on..and residence life is great!
The weather and atmosphere at NAU is great especially since I am from the Phoenix metro area where the weather is hot and the environment is crowded. Northern Arizona University is a smaller school and I feel that the attitude of the school is laid back and easy going.