Northern Arizona University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Northern Arizona University? Why?


out of state tuition is a killer.


The cold because I'm from Phoenix, AZ and still not used to the snow!


The worst thing I consider about my school is the parking services. They ticket you for anything and the ticket is usually very expensive and they usually don't give you a warning ticket if it is your first offense.


Poor hyeine among some groups of students.


The school is transitioning to internet based degrees to increase their numbers so every course has some type of internet home page you are supposed to look at and submit your papers on. As an older student, I found this frustrating and lazy on the part of the staff.


the frats and sorieties because they are given way to much attention and money for stupid activites.


I hate having to pay for school. My parents can not help me and even with my financial aid and my grandma helping me I still have to work 20 hours a week just to pay my bills every month.


I don't know. I love this school. I guess more financial aid would be helpful, especially for upper classmen.


The worst thing is the tution.


The school doesnt promote sports enough; there is very little school spirit at sport events.