The stereotype at Northern Arizona University is probably that there is drunk parties all the time.
Is this stereotype accurate? I would probably say yes. A lot of parties go on, at least 1 per household every other week on average. Where there is a big get-together and they have a drinking party.
Some stereotypes of NAU include hippies, tree-huggers and stoners. While you might always find a group of people that enjoy partaking in any of these activities, it certainly isn't the majority.
People tend to think of NAU as campus filled with "hippies" and "stoners", but that stereotype is far from correct. It is true that there are people who are very eco-friendly and are who very 'free-spirited", but NAU has a very diverse student body. NAU stresses being eco-friendly and being a "green" campus, which attracts a lot of attention from the type of people stated above, but there are students from all over the country as well as all over the world, and they all cannot be stereotyped based on only a small population of the entire NAU community.
We have a very diverse school. All the common stereotypes fall into our university into various categories. The kids in our school have different interests which makes every category available to incoming freshmen or transfer students.
The stereotype of students at NAU is to get a strong degree, by using all academic resources.yes, it is accurate
Common stereotypes at NAU are potheads, hipsters, people with dread locks and long boards.
I feel like the stereotype of students at NAU is that we are all potheads and hippies, because we honestly do live in a hippie town, with a "green" mentality, lots of trees, and lots of local coffee shops that are vegetarian and eco-friendly. However, I would not say that there is any more drug consumption at NAU than any other college, as there is a select group of students that participate in that, but for the rest, there is plenty to do and plenty of people to hang out with that do not!
I feel like the majority of the students that go to NAU are the nicer, more laid back kids that could be friends with a lot of people. When I first went to NAU, I always had people saying hi to me, opening doors, and generally just being nice people so I'd say its a good stereotype.
I would have to say a majority of the students here at NAU are the more earthy/hippie/laid back type. Everyone here is super friendly, and it is really easy to meet new people and make new friends!
I think at Northern Arizona if anything, there is a stereotype of hippies and stoners. However this is not a negative aspect. There are a majority of people who smoke marijuana, but on a college campus it is something I've grown to expect. There is not a plethora of people using here, just more people seem to notice. Having "hippies" in our town I don't see as a hinderance. Most so called "hippies" are people keeping to themselves just wanting a life with the outdoors. I feel it makes the town more authentic and real.
Mountain woman and hippies are the biggest stereotypes at NAU. There are many mountain women and hippies that live in town, however most students that go to NAU don't fall under that category.
Some might say that my school is filled with Hippies. I don't know if that's necessarily true overall. You'll find all different kinds of kids from frat kids to geeks to stoners. I think my school has it all, which isn't something to complain about. Having so many different types of students makes for a really diverse environment and it also makes it easy to find someone you like or a group of people that really enjoy the same interests as yourself.
Northern Arizona University has a wide diversity in its students, but the common stereotype about students attending NAU is that everyone is a stoner. While true to some students who choose to smoke, it isn't the case for all. There is an active Greek life on campus for those who wish to rush, it also forms a semi stereotype for those who join but for the most part it relates only to certain fraternities and sororities. Another minor stereotype for NAU students is that they are hippies or hippy like. This is semi true as students are taught to be more green in their consumption of materials and resources, as well as our Forestry and Environmental Science colleges driving home the point with each class period.
Northern Arizona University has a wide diversity in it's students, but the common stereotype about students attending NAU is that everyone is a stoner. While true to some students who choose to smoke, it isn't the case for all. There is an active Greek life on campus for those who wish to rush, it also forms a semi stereotype for those who join but for the most part it relates only to certain fraternities and sororities. Another minor stereotype for NAU students is that they are hippies or hippy like. This is semi true as students are taught to be more green in their consumption of materials and resources, as well as our Forestry and Environmental Science colleges driving home the point with each class period.
Northern Arizona University has a wide diversity in it's students, but the common stereotype about students attending NAU is that everyone is a stoner. While true to some students who choose to smoke, it isn't the case for all. There is an active Greek life on campus for those who wish to rush, it also forms a semi stereotype for those who join but for the most part it relates only to certain fraternities and sororities. Another minor stereotype for NAU students is that they are hippies or hippy like. This is semi true as students are taught to be more green in their consumption of materials and resources, as well as our Forestry and Environmental Science colleges driving home the point with each class period.
The biggest stereotype at Northern Arizona University is that all the hippies go there. I would say it is somewhat accurate. Not in the weirdo hippie way, but rather, NAU is located in the beautiful outdoorsy city of Flagstaff, AZ. The number one thing to do outside of school is be outdoors. Whether it is hiking, skiing, boarding, mountain biking....etc. NAU students love to do it.
I feel like a main stereotype at NAU is that there are many hippies. While this seems to be pretty accurate it is also an exaggeration. There are many people who are, but there are also many people who are not. The city in which the school is in is populated with more liberal people and liberals tend to sometimes fall into those categories and that's why I think the school gets that stereotype.
The people that go here are laid back, snow lovers, stoners, etc It is a mix of students
Majority of people would say that NAU is full of stoners. Personally, I feel that this stereotype is accurate because I know of so many people who smoke weed on a weekly basis.
Here at NAU there are so many different varieties of students and just like high school, we do have our stereotypes. Though there are the typical stereotypes, the student body as a whole isn't as harsh as most schools are. There aren't any real noticeable 'clicks' because everyone here is so friendly and willing to be friends with anyone basically.
We do have the jocks, geeks or computer junkies, the girls who dress to impress, the fraternity and sorority students, and every other stereotype you can think of.