Northern Illinois University Top Questions

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What i feel is unique about my school, is that the people are more friendly then the other schools i applied to. The teachers and students here really want to help you out. They are very kind hearted and i feel this is a great quality to have.


What makes Northern Illinois University unique when compared to other schools is the fact that the students here are very resilent when faced with adversity. The campus population, along with the town of Dekalb was very affected by the events of Feburary 14th, 2008 and I have seen the people here dedicated their lives to the memory of those lost innocent lives. Most other schools seem superificial both academically and socially, but here, students learn from the best and become the best..


The school has an excellent kinesiology and physical education program.


We have been affected by a tragedy, yet we are still strong students.


NIU is a larger school but it feels a lot smaller than in actuality. It is nice to see familiar faces everywhere you go even though it houses more than 18,000 undergraduates. The professors are more than willing to help students one on one, and this is not common on most college campuses. The NIU College of Business is outstanding to say the least. Students get ivy-league instruction for state prices; we have even used Harvard business cases in some of our classes. NIU genuinely cares about its students and wants to see them succeed post-graduation.


The big university in a small town gives us a unique situation. When you leave campus, even in student housing off-campus, you're always very intermingled with the community. That is a big part of why I love this university.