Multi ethnic enrollment
The worst thing about Northern Kentucky University is it is very overwhelming. Now, that could be just because I am a freshman and a new school is a big deal. But I think it's overwhelming because there is so much to do, from taking classes to clubs you can join. Also, the greek life is very strong at NKU. But I would rather be given these opportunites and be overwhelmed because if you take advantages of these opportunities it could help your personal success in the long run.
To be honest, I really can't think of anything negative about NKU. Our school strives to make improvements for the school itself, as well as the students. For example, a new dorm building is being built to accommodate our growth, our recreation center is undergoing improvements, meal plans have been positively altered, programs and courses are being adjusted, etc. With all of these improvements and goals to further better the University, there are hardly any negative aspects to find.
I haven't started school yet there but from recent visit's I have taken to the school, I would say the worst thing about about Northern Kentucky is that I feel as if they dont have enough programs for us students to engage in.
The worst thing about my school is that a lot of the people that go here are commuters. This makes it hard to know a lot of people on campus because most people just come to campus for classes then leave.
General Education classes because they don't really connect or help with my major or future career.
Honestly, I love my school. I think the worst part about it is that it's not nature-y enough; there aren't a lot of pretty trees all over campus like all the older universities.
The worst thing I consider about NKU is the parking. It's pretty difficult to find a decent parking spot mid-day.
The food; as a vegan I have pretty limited options and it can get repetative eating the same things over and over. Also, my friends and I have all noticed that the food can be poorly prepared at some locations.
The worst thing about my school is that the some buildings are older than others and need updated. Such as the college of health professions because if you have a major in that college you don't really leave that building therefore missing out on the nice and newer buildings that have a lot more study areas and even stores where you can buy coffee/snacks.