Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The close knit feel NKU offers. it is easy to make friends and excell here.


Small classes make it eaiser to not only get to know the teachers but the students as well.


NKU has a great staff. Coming from a small school, I was looking for that small school feel but with big school resources. NKU's staff pay attention to each students needs and are always happy to help. They are first and foremost teachers, researchers second. Combine that with small class sizes and I found the perfect school for me.


The best thing about the school is the small class size and the professors. since the classes are so small the professors are able to give individualized attention.


I love working on campus. It's fun to meet everyone and meet a lot of new people.


The best thing about NKU is the one-on-one feel you get with being in small classes, with the faculty and staff. Its comforting to know that they care about your education and want to help you through your schooling.


I honestly can't pick just one thing. My classes are very interesting, my teachers are nice and very helpful, and the other students are very friendly. Since I am a biology major I sit through many lectures in a day and none of them are boring ever! I love that my professors have office hours so they can help me one on one. Also you meet friends within your major easily because you all take many of the same courses. All these things contribute to me succeeding at NKU greatly.




The best thing about NKU is the professors and the class sizes. As a nursing major, I take a lot of science classes which are really difficult. I have never had a class bigger than 100 students and the professors are ALWAYS willing to help. You really aren't just another student to them, they really want you to succeed and do well in their course. I feel completely comfortable asking questions and going to them for help because I know that they truly want to see me succeed.


The best thing is that teachers get to know you for who you are, not just a face with no name. All of my professors have been friendly and don't hesitate to go out of their way when I have a question or need further explination. My advisor is the same way. Before I decided to major in Psychology, my advisor sat down with me and we discussed different options, majors, and careers that major would open up for me.